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Applications open for Tierney Fellowship
Applications are now being accepted for the 2012 Tierney Fellowship at the Market Photo Workshop. The Fellowship aims to provide the successful applicant with the financial support necessary to research and produce a body of photographic work, in consultation with a mentor, over the period of a year. The deadline for applications is Wednesday 25 April 2012 at 12 noon.

Successful applicants are assisted to overcome the challenges that a photographer faces at the beginning of his or her career through the Fellowship's global community of seasoned experts, which function as a crucial support network. Seminars and critiques are held throughout the year to facilitate interaction between all current and past recipients, encouraging discussion of their photography, work experience and lives as artists.
Fellowship grant
Subject to certain conditions, the Fellowship entails R30 000 to produce the body of work that the recipient proposes to do, which covers costs related to research, travel and other supplies. The fellowship grant can be extended to develop and produce an exhibition of the work and, possibly, a publication of the produced body of work.
The Tierney Fellowship was created in 2003 by The Tierney Family Foundation to support emerging artists in the field of photography. Fellows remain an integral part of the Tierney Fellowship after the conclusion of their one-year grant period. The Tierney Fellow for 2011, Mack Magagane, will be exhibiting his body of work at The Photo Workshop Gallery opening 9 May 2012.
Eligibility Criteria
- The fellowship is open to all current students and alumni, who have studied since 2005, at the Market Photo Workshop.
- Individuals from financially and previously disadvantaged backgrounds.
- Women are particularly encouraged to apply.
- Applicants must be able to produce the work within the borders of South Africa.
- Applicants must not have produced a solo exhibition before.
- Applicants must be able to travel to Johannesburg for initial meetings.
- The fellowship will be awarded to applicants who are resident in Southern Africa.
There will be a voluntary briefing session at the Market Photo Workshop on Wednesday 11 April at 1pm. This briefing session will introduce the Tierney Fellowship and the application process, to potential applicants.
For more, contact Bekie Ntini +27 (0) 11 834 1444 or go to www.tierneyfellowship.org.
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