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MAPPP learnerships for the disabled to benefit all
A tangible need for aggressive implementation of skills development of people with disabilities exists and has been identified as a particular need within this sector. Through the implementation of this project, disabled learners will have the opportunity to find employment and ultimately financial independence and a better way of life, which is in line with the Skills Development Act.
The project will act as the launch pad for further education and qualifications. Benefits to the learners are numerous and include a basis for personal development, further studies, greater self-esteem and self-image and a greater potential for employment and growth. This is also in accordance with government legislation and business needs - effective learnerships contribute to the economic growth and development of South Africa.
Organisations benefit too
Not only will the individual learner benefit, but organisations benefit from learnerships by being able to employ people with qualifications that are relevant and of high quality (employees are trained to the SAQA-approved standards).
The sector will have a skilled pool of people with disabilities from which to employ, thereby constructively and cost effectively meeting both employment equity as well as skills development requirements. While not only benefiting from a qualified candidate, the organisation will benefit from the exposure of a person with a disability in their workplace, which assists in breaking down stereotyping and misconceptions with regards to this target group.
Tax rebate
A further benefit to organisations participating in learnerships for unemployed learners with a disability is the tax rebate. Companies are allowed a maximum tax rebate of R50 000.00 on signing of the learnership agreement and a further maximum rebate of R50 000.00 will be allowed to the employer when the trainee successfully completes a learnership.
1485 Radio Today and Progression are inviting one or more delegates to attend a presentation on the project, to be held on Friday, 2 June 2006, at 9am at the Progression offices, 22 Solomon Street, corner of Smit Street, Vrededorp. Please RSVP to Roy Marsland on .