Newspaper publishers gather in India
INDIA: With its economy booming, its literacy skyrocketing, its middle-class growing by leaps and bounds, and its technical infrastructure leapfrogging into the 21st century, India is a rich market for newspaper publishers from all over southern Asia, who have gathered in Chennai for their 14th annual Ifra India conference, 13 - 14 September 2006.
Ifra India is the largest event of its kind in South Asia, tailored specifically to the needs of publishers, editors and technical staff at print and digital media houses from throughout the region. More than 400 delegates are expected to have participated in the conference.
Interest has been so great that Ifra India 2006, organised by the global association for newspaper and media publishing, is being held in the ultra-modern, two-year-old Convention Centre of the Chennai Trade Centre in Nandambakkam in order to accommodate the growing demand for exhibition space for industry suppliers from both India and abroad. This year, all 42 stands were sold out within a month of the initial conference and expo announcement in February.
The conference was preceded by two pre-conference workshops at Hotel Trident Hilton, Chennai, on 12 September 2006, where topics such as Mobile Publishing for Newspapers and Computer to Plate (CtP) were discussed.
The conference is also running two forums - a Publishers Forum aimed at owners and top managers with focus on the vision for growth and new media opportunities, and a Technical Forum aimed at the technical people in the publishing sector that focuses on press and PDF in pre-press.
In addition to international speakers such as Jim Chisolm, media consultant; Geir Larsen, chief of analysis and strategy, VG Multimedia, Norway; Dan Cox, director, World Online, U.S.A., and Hirofumi Adachi, The Yomiuri Shimbun, Japan, the conference has included case study presentations from Indian publishers at both Forums.
The expo, held in conjunction with the conference, has had a limited number of stands for the suppliers to showcase their products and services to the newspaper industry.
The conference is co-sponsored by The Indian Newspaper Society and supported by Siemens Information Systems, Ferag, Agfa, Technova Imaging Systems, Goss International, DIC India and Bodhtree Consulting.