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Is your packaging ready for the holiday season?

The festive season is a crucial time in most brands' marketing calendars. During this period, consumer spending spikes and there's an opportunity to emotionally engage shoppers who are revelling in the festive mood.
Is your packaging ready for the holiday season?

However, brands need to tread carefully to ensure that they don't come across as crass by bombarding people with too many hard-sell messages. With holiday-themed adverts clogging the airways and festive promotions vying for attention in every publication, marketing campaigns run the risk of annoying rather than appealing to consumers at this time of year.

By contrast, packaging provides a platform for marketers to connect with customers who are already engaged in shopping activities. In this context, product-related messaging seems more acceptable. Here are three ways for brands to use their packaging to surprise, delight and offer value to consumers as they fight their way through the throngs of year-end shoppers:

  1. Be recognisable:

    Seasonal packaging can attract attention in-store and increase interest among shoppers who may not usually notice your product. However, it is essential to keep your brand look and feel intact so that your products are still easily recognisable.

    The ElastiTag® range from Pyrotec PackMedia is an affordable way to add a festive touch to your packaging - such as a reindeer-shaped coupon or limited edition flavour sample - while retaining your product's recognisable shape, look and feel. This unique device adds an extra dimension to packaging in the form of a premium quality elastomer loop and durable tag, which can be custom-manufactured to suit your requirements. The elastomer loop is engineered to fit snugly and securely throughout the supply chain.

  2. Be generous:

    Many customers are mindful of their budgets at this expensive time of year and they are likely to appreciate brands that offer them value for their money. This is an ideal opportunity to add value to your products in the form on an on-pack discount coupon, competition, cross-promotion or recipe booklet.

    With the array of Fix-a-Form® booklet-label options available from Pyrotec PackMedia, you can attach a booklet containing coupons, seasonal recipes, or competition information to your packaging without affecting its overall design. Extended text labels are easy to apply using standard labelling equipment or by hand; and they're supplied on-reel for automatic application without interrupting your production line.

  3. Be visible:

    With many stores packing additional products on their shelves at this time of year, it becomes more challenging to catch the customer's eye. Pyrotec PackMedia's range of Do-It HangTabs and Display Strips provides you with a way to set your products apart and display them at eye level. This increased visibility can make a significant impact on sales.

For more tips, advice and promotional on-pack solutions aimed at increasing your sales volumes, contact Pyrotec PackMedia today!

Pyrotec is a proudly South African company with its focus aimed firmly on the future. Its five brands - Pyrotec PackMark, Pyrotec PackMedia, Pyrotec PackLink, Pyrotec PackWorx and Pyrotec Finance - make this an industry-leading company that specialises in a comprehensive range of coding and labelling equipment, on-pack informational and promotional devices, merchandising solutions, development and manufacturing of automated systems for the packaging and manufacturing industry and making finance options available to customers. Pyrotec's software offering ensures product integrity, optimises coding activities, and helps secure centralised data management systems and label tracking systems.
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