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A letter to Mother Christmas

Dear Mother Christmas, I must start off by confessing that I am addressing this festive missive to you not because I am trying to be politically correct. It is simply that I recall being contacted by you after my letter to Father Christmas last year about 3G connectivity.

It became apparent to me then, and I am now telling all my friends about it, that if one wants to get some real action out of the North Pole, then it is to you that they should direct their wishes.

Furthermore, my wish for this Xmas is for something incorporeal and Santa would have no idea on how to get his elves to build it. So, without further ado, let me tell you what I really want for Christmas.

A Third Force

I desperately want some “third force”, Mother Christmas. Let me explain. We have a funny sort of game over here called rugby and our national team has recently won the world championships. (Oh my, the thought has just occurred to me. Maybe you were involved there, maybe they did not really deserve it.)

The coach of the rugby team is a fellow called Jake White. Well, he is no longer the coach but that is another story.

You see, Jake persevered through all sorts of trials and tribulations and in the end, his team was victorious. The World Champs!

Last week a senior official of the rugby controlling authority, Mr Stofile, revealed Jake's secret. He said that Jake had a “third force” behind him. Now, I really want some third force for myself. And maybe a bit extra so that I can pass it on to a few of my friends.

As a matter of interest, Mother Christmas, I saw Jake a few weeks ago at a restaurant with his lovely wife Debbie and his two super boys and I was thinking how much he must love them and… oh wait a second!

I know what the third force is… a loving wife and family. That is the secret and that is something I am already blessed to have.

A killer app

So, what I really really want for Christmas is a Killer App. This, dear Mother Christmas, is not a video game. It is the ability to think up something that all the people in the world desperately want to use or do, and then it makes you super rich.

Take those kids who started Facebook for instance. I am sure that Father Christmas delivered the PCs that they used in the first place. They cloistered themselves in a garage for a few weeks and developed Facebook. It is now the prime social network service worldwide and their business is valued at gazillions, and they don't ever have to worry about money again, and, and, and.

So what I really want for Christmas is to get a killer app for mobile phones. Something like mobile Facebook. Oh, hang on a minute… I do already have mobile social network services and they are going to explode on the mobile scene next year.

So, please ignore that wish, dearest Mother Christmas. Let me think. I know! There is something that I want more than anything else in the world.

Latex rubber lips

I want a cellphone with latex rubber lips for Christmas. Oh, this has nothing to do with sex, I assure you, even though a Japanese inventor has recently added a dildo to a mobile. What's more, my friend Robin constantly reminds me that we have reached the age of sexual senility.

What I am referring to here is a really really super duper cellphone that has all the bells and whistles that has everything that one can imagine and not imagine, all the widgets and gadgets in one device.

A phone on which I can do all my comms, watch movies or the news or even sport. Listen to podcasts, have full web functionality…… oh, wait a second. I am talking about smart phones and I am bound to get one for next year anyway.

My true wish for Christmas

Well, dear Mother Christmas, it seems as though I have all that my heart desires. Except for this one really really special wish.

I wish all the readers, editorial, technical and managerial staff of Bizcommunity a peaceful and happy Christmas and a fulfilling 2008.

About Harry Trisos

Harry Trisos of Mobilety has been involved in the marketing of telemedia for the past 15 years. Commencing with Telkom and the 087 industry in the early 90s, he has been at the forefront of developments in value-added content throughout this period, working with some of the leading service providers in this sector. Harry has also provided media marketing services to almost every major publication in the country. His services have ranged from setting up and managing of variable data promotional competitions to consulting on mobile strategy for publications. He can be reached at
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