#WomensMonth: The Sheryl Sandberg quote we should read every Sunday...

Marloe Wise is client services director at Demographica, surrounded by both male and female mentors. While she calls her career one of the highlights of her life, she acknowledges that not everyone is as lucky to work in a supportive, collaborative environment.
That said, women cannot wait for companies to champion change.
Here, Wise shares the choices she’s made along the way that led to her current work-life happiness, as well as her views on the fact that nurturing and enabling women is a conscious and consistent imperative for anyone in a leadership position…
Let’s start with a brief overview of your career highlights within the B2B space.
My career is one of the highlights in my life. I have worked with and managed really great people over the last 14 years, and the business-to-business (B2B) space has by far been the most exciting.
Being a part of an entrepreneurial-led business has taught me a fortune. I’ve been lucky enough to be part of the growth of Demographica, and its pivot from a small email and SMS business to a full-service B2B specialist agency.
In that time, I’ve had multiple roles and embraced the change from sales to client service to managing people and teams. I have onboarded, managed and grown Demographica’s biggest accounts and grown our client service team to include experienced, talented men and women.
I’m grateful to be a part of this advertising agency championing B2B as a focus in SA. Winning multiple pitches against big, internationally owned agencies will always be a thrill I chase and because Demographica is poised for high growth, I know we’ll be celebrating often.
Enabling women by creating a space for honest conversations and input ensures your business has a team of accountable, A-team players, who contribute meaningfully to your business and to their families. It’s a win-win.Fantastic. Switching from a celebratory mindset to one of concern, comment on female representation in management positions within the B2B space and the personal steps you’ve taken to correct the situation.
From where I sit, it’s definitely not sufficient. My feeling is that women can’t wait for companies to champion change or for leaders to genuinely respect and understand the meaningful contributions we make. Instead, here are some choices I’ve made that helped me get to management and executive level in my career:Working women can have it all when it comes to family, children and a career, but they can't do it alone.
That alone is powerful. Why is mentorship of young females in the B2B space so important?
Nurturing and enabling women is a conscious and consistent imperative for anyone in a leadership position. Nurturing young women through their careers breeds self-confidence and self-awareness, shows them their areas for growth, and speeds up their acknowledgment of their own worth.
I read somewhere that: “remarkable business leadership starts with someone else’s vision for you.” I love this! How incredible would the workplace be if we could all focus on someone else’s growth, as well as our own?
Sounds ideal. Who are your personal female business mentors and why?
I’m lucky to be surrounded by male and female mentors in my work. I learn from my incredible Exco team and I learn from people that report to me. I’m inspired by the women in my family who run their own businesses, have careers spanning decades, work hard and love what they do.
I love Sheryl Sandberg and her book, Lean in. We should read this paragraph every Sunday:
Fear is the root of so many of the barriers that woman face. Fear of not being liked. Fear of making the wrong decision. Fear of drawing negative attention. Fear of overachieving. Fear of being judged. Fear of failure. And the holy trinity of fear: the fear of being a bad mother/wife/daughter.

The great advice that I wish I had listened to earlier in my career, was to upskill and grow myself:
- Find the time to read, listen and network. Start today.
- Speak up, don’t avoid conflict. Back yourself and be prepared.
- There is no problem at work that can’t wait an hour – family comes first.
- Put the time in and put your hand up. Work hard and don’t expect great opportunities to come to you.
- Apply humility to your work.
- Be kind.
Truly wise words. Follow Wise on the following social media channels: Twitter | Instagram Click here for more on Demographica and keep up with their updates on Twitter and Instagram.

About Leigh Andrews
Leigh Andrews AKA the #MilkshakeQueen, is former Editor-in-Chief: Marketing & Media at Bizcommunity.com, with a passion for issues of inclusion, belonging, and of course, gourmet food and drinks! Now follow her travel adventures on YouTube @MidlifeMeander.Related
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