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Pendoring Content Feature

Joe Public ranked number one at the 2023 Pendoring Awards for the third consecutive year

Growth agency, Joe Public, is excited to announce and celebrate winning 45 awards at this year's Pendoring Awards. The agency was recognised as agency of the year for the third consecutive year and was honoured to receive the Prestigious Umpetha Award.
Joe Public ranked number one at the 2023 Pendoring Awards for the third consecutive year

The Pendoring Awards celebrate and recognise excellence in advertising and marketing created in one or more of South Africa's indigenous languages. The Pendorings encourage the creative evolution of indigenous language communication, and this year, they celebrated the affluence of creative content that speaks to South Africa. Top agencies were lauded for their astounding multilingual work within the industry.

Co-managing director of Joe Public, Mpume Ngobese, says creatives should always keep in mind that South Africa is a diverse country and a multicultural society – therefore, brands and campaigns should appeal to them.

"Kusemqoka ukuba sikhiqize umsebenzi wobuciko oqondene neNingizimu Afrika. Futhi sikholwa wukuba indlela ephuma phambili yokufeza lokhu wukwakha umsebenzi wobuciko ongaqhelile kulokho okwaziwa ngabantu ngokwezilimi zabo. Kusithokozisa kakhulu ukwaziswa komsebenzi esiwenzela amaklayenti ethu," comments Ngobese.
Translation: “It is imperative for us to produce creative work that speaks to South Africa. And we believe that the best way to achieve this is by crafting creative work that people understand in their own languages. We are delighted to see the work we do for our clients being recognised,” comments Ngobese.

Joe Public is trots op die doelwit van groei – vir sy mense, kliĆ«nte en land, deur die mag van kreatiwiteit. Die werk wat by die Pendorings toekennings ontvang het, vertoon die uiteenlopende en boeiende werk wat deur Joe Public geproduseer word.
Translation: Joe Public prides itself on its purpose of growth – for its people, clients, and country, through the power of creativity. The work awarded at the Pendorings showcased the diverse and compelling work produced by Joe Public.

In conclusion, Ngobese said: “Singathanda ukuhalalisela bonke abadle umhlanganiso futhi sibonga abantu bakithi kanye namaklayenti ethu ngokuba yingxenye yalolu hambo lokukhula.”
Translation: “We would like to congratulate all the other winners and thank our people and our clients for being part of this journey of growth.”

Joe Public is honoured to have been awarded:

Prestigious Umpetha
Created byClient / BrandTitle
Joe Public United / Johannesburg + Audio Militia / Johannesburg + StudiJoe / Johannesburg + InJozi / JohannesburgChicken LickenGwijo Formations
Gold Pendoring
Joe Public United / JohannesburgNedbank AffinityGogo Bear
Campaign Gold
Joe Public United / Johannesburg + StudiJoe / JohannesburgChicken LickenLife Choices - Junior
Joe Public United / Johannesburg + StudiJoe / JohannesburgChicken LickenLife Choices - Leap Year
Joe Public United / Johannesburg + StudiJoe / JohannesburgChicken LickenLife Choices - Baldie
Joe Public United / JohannesburgNedbank AffinityGogo Bear - isiXhosa
Joe Public United / JohannesburgNedbank AffinityGogo Bear - Setswana
Joe Public United / JohannesburgNedbank AffinityGogo Bear - isiZulu
Silver Pendoring
Joe Public United / JohannesburgNedbank AffinityGogo Bear
Joe Public United / Johannesburg + Audio Militia / Johannesburg + InJozi / Johannesburg + StudiJoe / JohannesburgChicken LickenGwijo Formations
Campaign Silver
Joe Public United / JohannesburgPOWARape Portraits 1
Joe Public United / JohannesburgPOWARape Portraits 2
Joe Public United / JohannesburgPOWARape Portraits 3
Joe Public United / Johannesburg + StudiJoe / JohannesburgChicken LickenChildish Parents - Mbappe
Joe Public United / Johannesburg + StudiJoe / JohannesburgChicken LickenChildish Parents - Durag
Joe Public United / Johannesburg + StudiJoe / JohannesburgChicken LickenChildish Parents - Mitchells Plain
Craft Gold
Joe Public United / Johannesburg + Audio Militia / Johannesburg + StudiJoe / Johannesburg + InJozi / JohannesburgChicken LickenGwijo Formation
Campaign Craft Gold
Joe Public United / Johannesburg + StudiJoe / JohannesburgChicken LickenLife Choices - Junior
Joe Public United / Johannesburg + StudiJoe / JohannesburgChicken LickenLife Choices - Leap Year
Joe Public United / Johannesburg + StudiJoe / JohannesburgChicken LickenLife Choices - Baldie
Joe Public United / Johannesburg + StudiJoe / JohannesburgChicken LickenChildish Parents - Mbappe
Joe Public United / Johannesburg + StudiJoe / JohannesburgChicken LickenChildish Parents - Durag
Joe Public United / Johannesburg + StudiJoe / JohannesburgChicken LickenChildish Parents - Mitchells Plain
Joe Public United / JohannesburgNedbank AffinityGogo Bear - Setswana
Joe Public United / JohannesburgNedbank AffinityGogo Bear - isiZulu
Joe Public United / JohannesburgNedbank AffinityGogo Bear - isiXhosa
Craft Certificate
Joe Public United / Johannesburg + Audio Militia / Johannesburg + StudiJoe / Johannesburg + InJozi / JohannesburgChicken LickenGwijo Formations
Campaign Craft Certificate
Joe Public / JOHANNESBURGSAB AB InBevAI vs AI: Inkcubeko YamaXhosa – Xhosa Culture
Joe Public / JOHANNESBURGSAB AB InBevAI vs AI: Setso Sa Setswana – Tswana Culture
Joe Public / JOHANNESBURGPOWARape Portraits 1
Joe Public United / JohannesburgPOWARape Portraits 2
Joe Public United / JohannesburgPOWARape Portraits 3
Joe Public / JOHANNESBURGSAB AB InBevAI vs AI: Isiko LamaZulu – Zulu Culture
Joe Public United / Johannesburg + StudiJoe / JohannesburgNedbankAvoid The Queue - Elevator Hit
Joe Public United / Johannesburg + StudiJoe / JohannesburgNedbankAvoid The Queue - Shopping Affair
Joe Public United / Johannesburg + StudiJoe / JohannesburgNedbankAvoid The Queue - Tyre Puncture
Joe Public United / Johannesburg + StudiJoe / JohannesburgChicken LickenChildish Parents - Mbappe
Joe Public United / Johannesburg + StudiJoe / JohannesburgChicken LickenChildish Parents - Durag
Joe Public United / Johannesburg + StudiJoe / JohannesburgChicken LickenChildish Parents - Mitchells Plain
Joe Public United / Johannesburg + StudiJoe / JohannesburgChicken LickenLife Choices - Junior
Joe Public United / Johannesburg + StudiJoe / JohannesburgChicken LickenLife Choices - Baldie
Joe Public United / Johannesburg + StudiJoe / JohannesburgChicken LickenLife Choices - Leap Year
Joe Public United / JohannesburgChicken LickenMistaken Identity
Joe Public United / JohannesburgChicken LickenFound A Lost Lover
Joe Public United / JohannesburgChicken LickenMan From The Future

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