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Punt Geselsradio licences revoked
In its ruling the BMCC stipulated that failure to make applications to amend the licences by the specified date of 10 May 2002 would automatically result in the licences being revoked. Unfortunately Africa Media Entertainment Limited (AME) failed to submit the required amendment licence applications within the specified period.
The Authority has decided to revoke both licences with immediate effect. The effect of this decision is that AME forfeits all its right as licensee with regard to these two commercial sound broadcasting licences. Both services are no longer regarded as licenced broadcasting services and any attempts to broadcast under the revoked licences will be regarded as a criminal activity. The two frequencies in respect of both licensees have reverted back to the Authority and will remain the property of ICASA until such time that a decision is taken, if any, on how these frequencies should be utilised.
The Authority finds it unfortunate that, for the first time in its existence, it has to resort to revoking two commercial broadcasting licences. However, the Authority is satisfied that it had given AME ample opportunity to rectify the situation and salvage the two licences. The loss of Afrikaans talk radio is sad and will have repercussions for some time to come.
Editorial contact
Vimla Maistry
011 321 8434
082 807 3965