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Empowering the entrepreneur
Building on the success of the Vuk'Uzenzele television series, seda has partnered with SABC Education to make a series available on radio. The value of this initiative is based on the power of radio to reach millions of listeners around the country, including those with low incomes and those in remote areas where other media are not as effective.
The initiative plans to convey crucial basic knowledge about what small business involves and what practical steps an entrepreneur needs to take to ensure a successful venture.
The Department of Trade and Industry believes the small enterprise sector can create the jobs that big business has been slow to provide and seda regards information as the basic ingredient to fuel the spirit of entrepreneurship among South Africans.
The 26-episode series is to be presented in ten languages and will be broadcast on a number of SABC stations:
Ukhozi FM (IsiZulu) Tuesday 21h05-21h35
Lesedi FM (SeSotho) Tuesday, 11h15-11h45
Phalaphala FM (Tshivenda) Wednesday 19h00-19h30
Monghana Lonene FM (Xitshonga) Monday 19h00-19h30
RSG (Afrikaans) Sunday 15h30-16h00
Ligwalagwala FM (Siswati) Thursday 22h00-22h30
Ikwekwezi FM (IsiNdebele) Tuesday 21h05-21h35
Umhlobo Wenene FM (IsiXhosa) Thursday 21h30-22h00
Thobela FM (Sepedi) Tuesday 21h30-22h00
Motsweding FM (Setswana) Monday 11h15-11h45
Broadcasting starts on 6 September 2005 and is run once a week on each of these stations. For further enquiries please contact seda Executive Manager, Marketing and Stakeholder Relations Manana Makhanya on +27-12-428-5000.