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Kfm 94.5 reaches out to community station
Kfm 94.5 has long appreciated and admired the important role community radio stations play and the passion, dedication and commitment of their staff. They cater for the needs of very specific groups which the bigger stations cannot do.
Under the guidance of Marinda Claasen, a training-course aimed at 'on-air' staff has seen her spending a week at each community station giving one-on-one training to staff members selected by the station themselves.
The course will include voice-training, presentation skills, interviewing techniques and news reading skills.
Marinda adds: "I started my career in Radio as a sound engineer and then moved on to anchoring the Women's programme with a national broadcaster before joining Kfm 94.5.
"The course will be quite different and won't be a case of me marching in and telling people what to do. Working with people who have such an intimate contact with their audience, will provide me with valuable insight and I look forward to exchanging knowledge with my colleagues in the broadcasting community."
The feedback from the stations already visited has been most encouraging. The Voice of the Cape's Faiek Abrahams says of Marinda's visit to the station: "I have learned a lot. Please come back and follow up!", and from Shafiq Morton: "It was so enjoyable discussing things with someone who was critical, but sympathetic, and who understands radio."
And, "A wonderful and badly needed overview of broadcasting with very valuable, specific advice" - Don Lawrence, Radio Helderberg.
The people from Stellenbosch's MFM's feedback are best summarised in the words of their Martelize Brink: "I can't think of a better way of developing the community radio sector.
"I also hope that Kfm 94.5 decides to make this type of involvement a constant factor within community radio. Well done! Marinda was excellent."
Already visited are Radio Helderberg, The Voice of the Cape and MFM (Stellenbosch University's student radio station).
Early in 2003 it will be UCT Radio's turn and then CCFM in Muizenberg in February. With about 14 community radio stations in the Western Cape, Marinda hopes to have visited them all before too long.