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Recycling campaign gets new shine at school level

The partnership is aimed at school pupils in Gauteng. Learners are required to collect and recycle as many Cobra floor polish and Nugget shoe polish tins as possible, which will put them in line to win awesome prizes for their schools. In so doing, they will be learning the importance of recycling as well as getting rewarded for their efforts in helping to preserve the environment.
The Cobra and Nugget Swop & Shine Schools loyalty programme is another way in which Collect-a-Can is extending its environmental awareness drive to school children. With up to 60% of waste that ends up in our dustbins recyclable, it is extremely important that children start learning the importance of recycling from an early age. Collect-a-Can has been running its Schools Competition for years, which has been successful in creating awareness about environmental issues among learners. The organisation thus has the necessary knowledge and experience to add value to the Cobra and Nugget Competition.
“Through our partnership with Cobra and Nugget, we aim to teach people that although Collect-a-Can focuses mainly on the recovery of used beverage cans, there are many other materials that can be recycled, including other different types of steel cans,” said Mathabo Phomane, PR and marketing manager of Collect-a-Can.
Empty Cobra floor polish and Nugget shoe polish tins could win schools fabulous prizes. For every 500 tins collected, schools will receive one of three sport packages of their choice as well as automatic entry into the monthly draws to receive their choice of a monthly draw sports package or R10,000 in cash.
The five schools to collect the most Cobra and Nugget tins qualify for the final draw and ultimate prize of R50,000 cash. So, the sooner schools start collecting, the better their chances of winning big.
For more information, visit: www.collectacan.co.za