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Amorim's CWG sponsorship sets corks popping

Well-known international producer of natural cork, Amorim has stepped up its involvement with the Protégé Programme by donating 0.5% of all purchases of its cork closures by members of the Guild during 2015.
"As an international company committed to adding value to wine and its image, the company shares the values of excellence and quality embodied by the Cape Winemakers Guild. These shared values are underscored by the fact that by far the majority of wines made under the CWG label are closed with natural cork," says Joaquim Sá, MD of Amorim Cork South Africa. He has been involved with the Protégé Programme for the past four years by donating cork closures for the wines crafted by the Guild protégés during their second year.
"In partnering with the Cape Winemakers Guild through the organisation's Protégé Programme, the company aims to assist in developing and nurturing the talent within the South African wine industry which will further contribute to its reputation of excellence and diversity in all aspects."
Amorim Cork is focussed on producing and distributing only the best natural and technical closures for all types of wines and spirits. Consistent in its quality, it is only natural that it has invested in furthering the careers of the gifted and diverse group of CWG protégés.
"The alliance between Amorim Cork and the CWG most certainly puts the Protégé Programme at the forefront of a successful and innovative future for winemaking in South Africa," says Louis Strydom, Chairman of the Nedbank Cape Winemakers Guild Development Trust.
Established in 2006 with the long-term goal of effecting transformation in the South African wine industry, the Protégé Programme gives oenology and viticulture graduates the rare opportunity of working side by side and learning from members of the Guild, all acclaimed masters of their craft. Under their mentorship, protégés are cultivated, nurtured and empowered to become winemakers of excellence.
For more information, go to www.capewinemakersguild.com