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Smart shoppers can donate points to Philippine relief effort

Suzanne Ackerman-Berman Director of Transformation Pick n Pay said, "The money will be split equally between Médecins Sans Frontières and the Gift of the Givers. Both organisations have a wonderful track record in times of disaster, and we are grateful to be able to partner with them in this relief endeavour."
Pick n Pay smart shoppers will be able to donate their smart shopper points at the smart shopper kiosks in Pick n Pay stores. They can also use the smart shopper app on their smartphones to donate points.
Steve Hoban General Manager Pick n Pay said, "We know that our smart shoppers are extraordinarily generous in donating points and we have set up a facility on the smart shopper kiosk and on the mobile app where people can donate directly to the relief fund. All the money collected will be divided between Médecins Sans Frontières and the Gift of the Givers."
Ackerman-Berman said, "Often disasters, even when they are far away leave us with a desire to reach out and help, the pain and suffering in the Philippines is horrendous and by donating money through reputable organisations we can make a difference to people we will probably never see, but who are part of the village we call the world. Thirty tonnes of supplies have already been flown in by Médecins Sans Frontières and we hope to be able to help them to get help to those in dire need as soon as possible."