Comprehensive salary survey launched
The Careers24.com survey invites South Africans working in all industries to log on to its site and confidentially enter their salary details. The results will be revealed in early June 2007. Participants who load their details will stand a chance of winning R5000 in a lucky draw, and will also receive the results early, giving them a heads up on their salary and offering them weight for any salary negotiations they intend undertaking.
Van der Merwe says that the debut survey should yield comparative results which Careers24 believes will set a precedent in SA.
“We are asking questions about the participant’s position, what their salary package includes, work experience, recent salary increases etc. The results will allow us to explore industry trends in salary packages, gender issues and salary weighting by region,” she says.
“What’s more, HR specialists who require more detailed information will be able to access various survey reports and findings to receive content in line with their exact requirements.”
Examples of questions include: Which positions are paid most competitively? Are men paid still paid more than women in some fields? Are the salary gaps still so wide between the provinces?
“We intend to make this an annual survey which becomes the benchmark for salary levels and which is a ready reference for both employer and employee,” concludes Van der Merwe. “It is critical that as many people as possible participate so that we are able to gain great results.”