Sunday tabloid now offering jobs online
"Sunday is a leisure day and the expansion of Sunday World job pages into an online format will give our readers a chance to search for jobs, create and update an online resume, automate job alerts and read up on career- related articles all in their own time and in the privacy of their own home," says Martin.
Comments Kris Jarzebowski, managing director, CareerJunction, "All CareerJunction jobs will automatically be displayed on to the Sunday World website to allow Sunday World readers to access over 30 000 new jobs each and every month."
Jarzebowski explains that the relationship with Sunday World will allow for unparalleled reach of the CareerJunction jobs to the Sunday World readers, which reflect the world of young black spenders - a huge value add for recruiters advertising on CareerJunction. Sunday World readership is in excess of 1 million readers every Sunday.