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Prof Lawrence Schlemmer passes away

Initially trained at Pretoria University as a social worker, he then qualified as a sociologist, teaching at Wits before moving to the University of Natal (Durban) where he set up and ran the Centre for Social and Development Studies. Lawrie was a hard worker, with over 350 publications including fifteen books to his credit, and his knowledge ran far beyond the bounds of any single subject.
His knowledge of South African society was unparalleled and economists, anthropologists, political scientists and demographers all sought his advice. He was also in great demand as a speaker and commentator by a wide range of organisations.
Will be remembered for his humbleness
He was a director of MarkData, the survey research company and was South Africa's leading pollster and survey scientist. He was president of both the leading professional associations in sociology and political science, was a former vice-president of the HSRC and of the South African Institute of Race Relations, former chairman of the Centre for Policy Studies, strategy director of the Urban Foundation and was a key consultant to the Centre for Development and Enterprise.

He was also a man of strongly liberal views who began appointing black researchers to his department decades before others followed suit.
A man with a strong sense of fun, he was a great raconteur and will be missed by a wide circle of friends, as well as professional colleagues in many disciplines. Lastly, he will be remembered for his humbleness and his ability to empower individuals he interacted with at all levels.
He leaves a son, Julian, a daughter, Lucia, and his wife, Monica.
For more:
- Business Day: OBITUARY: Lawrie Schlemmer, 1936-2011 by RW Johnson
- Google News Search: Lawrence Schlemmer
- Twitter Search: "Lawrence Schlemmer"