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SAMRA Conference into Action
This silver jubilee convention will be held from 26th-28th May 2004 at Glenburn Lodge, Muldersdrift, Johannesburg.
The 2004 convention theme is 'In 2 Action' and will focus on moving the market research industry forward to a future of prominence, confidence, relevance, growth and action.
For more information on the conference e-mail or call (011) 880-1819 or visit www.samra.co.za.
Keynote speakers:
International speaker - Leif Henrik Husom
Ari Katz, CEO of Boston Business College, on Educating South Africans for marketing and market research
- Sue Grant – Market Research Needs from a Buyers Perspective looks at the actionability of market research findings
- Joe Boniaszczuk's Do I Buy because I Need (to)? will look at understanding consumer needs through research
- Seth Bonnie and Gerry van Dyck's Branding Without Labels – the dynamics of the African traditional market
- Camilla Brassey – An understanding of the Influence of 'flow' on Subjective Well-Being will be looking at engaging consumers at a more emotional level as a means of increasing brand appeal and breaking through advertising clutter
- Tertia Dippenaar – Money or the Box? looks at the dynamics and research implications of the 'top box' phenomenon
- Jacqui Greef's paper entitled The Consumer Backlash will highlight several emerging trends and their (potentially detrimental) effects on marketing
- Liz Gronewald – Sense and Sensibility: Making Sense of the 5 Senses will provide key insights into the practical application of sensory research
- Raymond Heath and Retha Groenewald – Achieving a Strategic, Integrated Approach to Corporate Reputation Measurement uses Telkom's experiences as a case study
- Neil Higgs' paper, On or Off Track? will compare different approaches to tracking studies and look at optimal ways of presenting data and detecting change
- Gordon Hooper – From Carrier Pigeons Come Campaign Strategies focuses on the principles of strategy and the role that 'intelligence' plays in putting strategies into action
- Julie Irmes – Iconography: Symbolism for a New Millennium will explain modern iconography and its use as a marketing and market research tool
- Toni Joubert and Kim Larsen's Acting on Attitude will examine and compare various statistical techniques currently used to understand consumer attitudes driving interest in and loyalty to brands
- Amit Makan's paper entitled To Text Next – Is this Best? looks at the use of mobile phone technology as a research tool
- Ronald Netshivhulana – How Life has Changed since 1994 will examine whether increased infrastructure and consumption in the country since 1994 have actually resulted in improved well being for those affected and the implications for this in market research
- Michele Sohn's Bringing Ethical Consumerism into Action looks at ethical consumerism in South Africa and its ramifications for marketers and market researchers
- Harry Steenkamp's Geographical Evaluation of the 2001 RSA Population Census analyses the 2001 RSA population census and its meaning for users of these figures as well as population growth trends
- Prof Helgard van Wyk – Personal Income as a Measure of Purchasing Power and Economic Welfare in the 21st Century will examine personal income as a measure of purchasing power and other means of segmenting the national market
Fun is also on the agenda with this year marking the 25th anniversary of the convention. A variety of alternative activities from hot air ballooning to fly fishing are on offer. Entertainment will also be laid on each evening, culminating in a 25th anniversary gala banquet on Friday 28th. For more information on any topics or registration contact Julie on .
Editorial contact
The Lime Envelope
Sarah Martin
Tel: 011 326-2881