Huggies launches SA parenting site

According to assistant brand manager of Huggies, Deolinda da Costa, the website addresses all aspects of parenthood in one easy to access and navigate site.
"Mothers always have unanswered questions and the Huggies website will address all these questions around pregnancy and parenting," says Da Costa.
Each tab on the website deals with a different aspect of parenthood. The parenting tab highlights topics such as the importance of play and healthy eating while the pregnancy tab has the complete information on every stage of pregnancy. This includes a week to week pregnancy guide, labour and birth information as well as parenting aids that will help moms plan for the birth. For those struggling to find a name for their baby, there is an interactive baby names tab, which features an extensive list of names with meaning and origin.
For any information on a Huggies product, there is a products tab on the website. "Huggies has products available for any size, shape or form," says Da Costa.
The site aims to be a great way for moms to learn more about the wonderful journey a family can experience. "By using the website, moms won't need to worry about small things and will be able to enjoy the special moments with her family." concludes Da Costa.
From July the site will be interactive and moms will be able to conduct discussions online.
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