SA company wins Botswana TV tender
The contract includes the supply, installation and commissioning of a complete broadcast production workflow system. AMT will supply their integrated Quantel Enterprise sQ news production system to service all of BTV's news and production needs. The result… BTV, Botswana's public broadcaster based in Gaborone, will be positioned as one of the most technologically advanced broadcasting facilities in Africa.
BTV invited tenders from all the major news and production server system suppliers in late 2006. "Key criteria were to maintain the professional advantage by improving further on the workflow and adding capacity to our channel," says Kingsley Reetsang, General Manager (Engineering Services) Botswana Radio & Television.
The BTV system, based on multiple sQ servers with and supporting over 30 journalist shot selection and editing applications, as well as a number of sQ Edit Plus craft editors and graphics paintboxes, will be manufactured and installed at BTV over the next few months.
The South African company, which originally installed BTV's production system about seven years ago, was also awarded the tender for the Media Management solution and is presently preparing to install the internationally developed solution.