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The Online Media Association to meet on the 21st of November
The meeting's agenda, including the proposed mission statement and objectives of the OMOA, are included below.
- The first objective of the OMOA is to ensure the continued and effective use and inclusion of user-centric measurement through SAARF's AMPS. From negotiations with SAARF, it was outlined that the OMOA's aim would have to be user-centric online media data published together with the AMPS 2003B survey. Three research alternatives have been brought to the table and media owners who hold a vested interest in their inclusion to such research are required to participate.
- The OMA will further ensure that relationships with other industry bodies such as SAARF, ABCe, AMF, ASOM and the MAP SETA are maintained. Industry experts from institutional and private education and research sectors are further welcome to participate as their involvement remains core to the educational objectives put forward by the OMOA.
Further communication with regards to the OMOA can be directed to Taryn N. Hood, .
The OMOA's concerns with the OPA's Mission Statement, as set out by Taryn Hood, are as follows:
- An association should not discriminate according to size and market share, but should encourage the participation of all practicing online media owners. My greatest concern after receiving communication from Media 24, and now reiterated in the OPA's proposition is that only "high-quality" publishers are afforded the opportunity to be involved.
We live and work in a country and industry that is highly promoted by an entrepreneurial spirit. There are publishers and media owners who would highly benefit from participating in an organisation of this nature and who should be encouraged to become a "high-quality" publisher and not be discriminated against.
- My second concern is the distinction between media owners and publishers. There are sites that do not necessarily produce and publish content, but that classify as utility tools and engines. These sites attract an audience in the same way that publishers do and in some cases attract very large volumes of audience such as Webmail (20 million monthly impressions and over 300 unique registrations). These sites also need to be taken into account and the mandate for the new association as a result of negotiations with SAARF on the 26th of September did not stipulate that the association dealing with user-centric measurement should discriminate participants in anyway. The OMOA's mandate is to ensure that all media owners are accounted for and not just publishers.
- It is evident that other associations and bodies of authority such as the ABCe and OMOA will be further compromised by the lack of support afforded by large sites such as M-Web and resources will now be directed to the OPA. It is my understanding that the members of the OPA will be backing the organisation with a huge resource base. In all honesty I am really glad to hear this, but fear that these resources will be used to benefit the select members of the OPA and not the industry as a whole.
- Nowhere in the OPA's statement is it stipulated that there is an identified need to investigate rapidly developing and newly introduced hybrid forms of online media, such as mobile Internet, mobile portals and iTV.
- There are many media owners and publishers whose primary source of income is not based on advertising and sponsorship, but offer online and digital media space. Many of these publishers and media owners outsource their media sales function, because it makes business sense for them to do so. These companies are certainly not small in any nature - company size or audience reach. Pick 'n Pay and Discovery are good examples, and both request that their representatives deal with industry issues of this nature. Indicated in initial communication with Media 24, and now reiterated in the OPA's statement, it is evident that site representatives will not be involved in the OPA in any way whatsoever. There is no other organisation that will accommodate these companies.
- The participation of organisations needed to achieve the type of transformation the online media industry requires can only really be gained through their involvement and motivation to achieve the same objective. It was for this reason that the OMOA had invited the attendance of industry experts from the private and institutional educational and research sectors to participate. Once again, the OPA Media 24's initial communication ruled out this possibility and and the OPA mission statement further reiterates this.
It saddens me that the development of the OPA was conducted in the manner it was and that we were unable to find a compromise and combine our efforts.
At the end of the day each media owner, publisher and advertiser needs to make their own business decisions and their choice of industry involvement will depend on company objectives.
The AMF extends "100% support for the development of the OMOA
The Advertising Media Foundation has extend 100% support for the development of the Online Media Owner's Association saying that they welcome development of industry bodies who will contribute to the continued development and transformation of the media industry. Online media representative, Joanne Scholtz is excited to see the final realisation of the association discussed and planned at the Online Media Council Meeting held with SAARF on the 26th of September.
Online Media Owner's Association Founding Members Meeting
Date: 21 November 2002
Time: 09:30 - 12:30
Venue: FNB Conference and Training Centre, 114 Grayston Drive, Sandton
Contact: Taryn N. Hood
Tel: 083 325 1115
Fax: 011 781 5302
Note: All members attending the meeting are welcome to submit issues, proposals and documentation before the meeting to . Please indicate whether or not you would like to have this documentation distributed to the invited members before hand.
Furthermore, I would like to reiterate that this is a proposed agenda and any suggestions for amendment or inclusion of other such matters should be submitted before Monday the 18th of November.
- Welcome
- Parties present and apologies of notice
- Introduction
Project development and reasoning behind the association.
- Founding Member's Opinion
3 / 5 min allocation for each founding member to give his or her contribution.
- Membership Fees
- General - other areas of discussion not pointed out in this document, but submitted by participants before the meeting.
- Formulation of the association's mission statement and objectives
The Online Media Owner's Association is dedicated to assisting interactive media owners of online, email, wireless and ITV media space increase their mediums awareness and share of media spend.The association aims to:
- Represent the interests of the industry on behalf of its members
- Provide and support members of the association with information shared across members, the industry and other such organisations, locally and internationally.
- Represent the interests of the industry on behalf of its members
- Provide and support members of the association with information shared across members, the industry and other such organisations, locally and internationally.
- Ensure continued and reliable research by maintaining a relationship with the South African Advertising Research Foundation, as well as identified and recognised research providers and bodies.
- Promote the industry by publicising media effectiveness, to advertisers, agencies and the media.
- Foster the growth and understanding of the online and interactive media industry by creating learning opportunities that add value to the building and broking of online media space.
- Structures of the organisation
- Proposed:
· Chairperson
· Executive Members / Directors
· Sub Committees
· Members - Research Committee
This committee would deal with issues surrounding SAARF and the AMPS research as well as the investigation of other local research requirements. - Information Sharing Committee
This group would ensure and encourage the continued communication with other local and international associations, bureaus and research foundations. - Education Committee
This committee's focus would be to encourage, serve and assist institutional and private education within the industry as well as maintain the association's relationship with the Media, Advertising and Packaging SETA. - R & D Committee
The major functions in this case would be to follow and propose new developments for the organisation - investigation and study into wireless and iTV channels to commence. - Promotion Committee
To promote the industry and its members through public relations, conferences, award ceremonies and any other such agreed means of communication. - Administration Committee
This committee will ensure the smooth running of the organisation including, but not limited to invoicing, meeting arrangements and admin as well as the handling of queries and other such admin.** It may be decided that a full-time or part-time person is required - discussion
- Proposed:
- Advise from other associations
- SAARF / AMPS Feasibility
- Steps moving forward
- Voting of the chairman and allocation of the sub committees
- Next meeting
Note: All members attending the meeting are welcome to submit issues, proposals and documentation before the meeting to . Please indicate whether or not you would like to have this documentation distributed to the invited members before hand.
Furthermore, I would like to reiterate that this is a proposed agenda and any suggestions for amendment or inclusion of other issues should be submitted before Monday the 18th of November.