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All the 2011 Caxton Excellence Awards winners

Caxton Printing & Publishing held its annual Caxton Excellence Awards last night, Thursday, 29 March 2012, an Oscars-themed event at Kyalami's Theatre on the Track, Midrand, Gauteng. Over 1500 entries were received from staff members across Caxton's branches, each wanting to showcase their work and skill. [UPDATED]
All the 2011 Caxton Excellence Awards winners

According to Gill Randall, joint MD of the Newspaper Advertising Bureau (NAB), Caxton's in-house sales arm, there are two reasons for hosting these awards.

"We believe in rewarding staff"

"The ongoing success of our community newspapers relies on the individual products remaining relevant to the communities they report on and, secondly, we believe in rewarding staff who continually raise the excellence bar to ensure that their newspapers are precisely what their respective readers, and advertisers, are looking for," she explains.

Newspaper journalist of the year – Lande Willemse
Newspaper journalist of the year – Lande Willemse
click to enlarge
Field sales person of the year – Catherine McPherson
Field sales person of the year – Catherine McPherson
click to enlarge

This year's Newspaper Journalist of the Year, Best Investigative Journalist and Best Sports Writer went to Landé Willemse of Lowvelder, the 2010 winner of the Caxton/Citizen News Service Best Contribution award. The judges accredited Lande's versatility - thorough research, excellent writing in both English and Afrikaans and attention-grabbing introductions - as the underlying factors to her success. She won R30 000.

Best Field Salesperson of the Year Caroline McPherson also won R30 000; she was also part of the winning teams for Best Medium-sized Newspaper Ad and Best Major Advertising Feature or Supplement.

In the Caxton News Service category, winner Nicolene Smalman of Lowvelder received a R5000 cheque and runner-up Judi Davis of the South Coast Herald a R3000 cheque.

Other big winners include:

  • Best regular column: Martin Paul, Newcastle Advertiser
  • Best headline writing: Cathy Grosvenor, Springs Advertiser
  • Best free newspaper (24 pages or less): Northcliff /Melville Times, edited by Kennedy Mudzuli
    Best free newspaper (more than 24 pages): Fourways Review, also edited by Mudzuli
  • Best sold newspaper (less than 8000 circulation): Ladysmith Gazette, edited by Rod Skinner.
  • Best sold newspaper (more than 8000 circulation): South Coast Herald, edited by Colleen Haggard
  • Best feature photograph: Michael Paterson of North Coast Courier with "Borat on the Beach".
  • New category for the best LookLocal site: LookLocal Lowveld (Mirelle Jacobs and Aliche Bezuidenhout)
  • Best Get It magazine: Get It Lowveld, edited by Melanie Reeder

Editorial judges for the awards included Dr Pedro Diederichs, HoD Journalism at Tshwane University of Technology; Martin Williams, editor of The Citizen; Steven Motale, executive editor of the Pretoria News; and veteran journalist Ingrid Pepler.

All the winners

Switchboard Operator of the YearWinnerFlorence HaywoodLowveld MediaThe judges found her informative, helpful, calm, and willing to listen when they called - which, to thoroughly test her mettle, was several times!
Credit Controller of the YearWinnerEldrie GroblerCaxton East RandThe standard of debt collecting on our community newspapers is, arguably, the best it has ever been so the competition was fierce. Our worthy winner not only met the challenge but showed dedication in achieving excellence.
Ad Designer of the YearWinnerMarietjie PretoriusNorthern Media GroupMarietjie's visually striking designs, strong layouts, her good concepts and dashing use of colour wowed the judges.
Best Small Newspaper AdWinnerKarmen PillaySouth Coast Herald"Forklift"Karmen's copy stands out on the page. The visual supports the message and everything the reader needs to know is covered.
Best Medium-sized Newspaper AdWinnerDudu Debuza, Lisa de Beer & Catherine McPhersonLeisure Options"Italian at its Best"The beautiful visuals unambiguously "speake de Italiano" and compellingly promise good, classy Italian food.
Best Large Newspaper AdHighly commendedMelanie Govender & Louise JordaanSouth Coast Herald"Hail Damage Repairs"
Best Medium Magazine AdWinnerCharmaine HeathZululand Observer"Stay Sober" & "One is Too Many"Charmaine's winning ads stood out for her clever use of copy and striking choice of visuals.
Best Large Magazine AdWinnerTheresa BothaZululand Observer"Wasted - Drugs will Change You"All the finalists produced interesting, well-thought-out work with clever use of copy, typography and imagery. Theresa's was the entry most likely to compel the reader to pay attention and react.
Best Advertorial or PromotionWinnerMirelle Jacobs & Melanie ReederLowveld Get It"Ask the Expert"Mirelle and Melanie's SuperSpar food advertorials made the judges salivate through their well-executed layout and scrumptious editorial.
Caxton News Service Nicolene SmalmanLowvelderThe Caxton Newspaper reporters supply stories of national interest to the Caxton News Service for their sister daily newspaper The Citizen. The best contributors are recognised for their dedication and effort. Nicolene has a nose for news of national importance and excellent writing skills. The speed with which she feeds stories to the Citizen often enables the paper to run circles around the opposition.
Caxton News Service Runner-upJudi DavisSouth Coast HeraldJudi Davis is a regular contributor to The Citizen. Her stories are always fresh, well-written and a great read. Her willingness to write especially for them scores her bucket loads of brownie points at the Citizen.
Best Regular Pull-Out SupplementWinnerMpumalanga MirrorDistributed as a supplement in all Caxton's major titles across the province every second week and with a print order of 158 000, the relevance of this product in the province is clear. Not surprisingly the amount of government advertising it attracts is significant. The ground-breaking work the Mirror is doing is a model for other provinces.
Best Regular Pull-Out SupplementHighly commendedJoburg North's Leisure Options
Best Regular Pull-Out SupplementSpecial mentionZululand Observer's Autodealer
Best Regular ColumnWinnerMartin PaulNewcastle AdvertiserMartin's columns are well-written and delightful to read but have a hard-hitting message that comes through loud and colourful!
Best Investigative JournalistWinnerLandé WillemseLowvelderThe judges felt the quality of the winning entry in this important category of reporting was exceptional. Therefore just being selected as a finalist was no mean feat. Landé's empathetic investigation into the impact of a delay in a child abuse trial shows exceptional journalism skills. Her entry was described by the judges as the best ever in this category.
Best Headline WritingWinnerCathy GrosvenorSprings AdvertiserCathy's headlines have humour and impact and she is a master with words. Her puns work, which is a key ingredient of her success!
Best Sport WritingWinnerLandé WillemseLowvelderLandé writes knowledgably and with infectious enthusiasm, especially about rugby, horses and cycling. She has a special talent for setting the scene, uses quotes to great effect and her presentation of results leaves nothing unanswered.
Best Sport WritingHighly commendedJohann GresseMiddelburg Observer
Best Sport WritingHighly commendedSiyabonga MchunuSouth Coast Herald
Best Free Newspaper, less than 24 pagesWinnerNorthcliff /Melville Times, with Kennedy MudzuliThis newspaper has great headlines, well-presented front pages, striking headline fonts and strong lead stories. The layout is effective, vibrant and neat. News is hyper-local and photos are well-used.
Best Free Newspaper, more than 24 pagesWinnerFourways Review, with Kennedy MudzuliWith eye-catching headlines, neatly packaged front pages and a clear point of entry on each page, the presentation is extremely impressive. A worthy winner.
Best Sold Newspaper, circulation less than 8000WinnerLadysmith Gazette, with Rod SkinnerThe quality of the entries in this category this year was significantly higher than it has been for the past few years - so well done to all concerned. There can only be one winner and tThe Ladysmith Gazette boasts striking front pages, great pics, lively headlines, strong local content and active community involvement. A well-deserved winner.
Best Sold Newspaper, circulation more than 8000WinnerSouth Coast Herald, with Colleen HaggardA wonderful example of a community paper. Expertly presented and loaded to the brim with local faces and news, the Herald is clearly a force to be reckoned with in its community.
Special AwardWinnerJennifer KwakwaMidrand ReporterJennifer joined the Midrand Reporter as a cleaner but soon progressed to being receptionist. Before long she was also "domestic cashier", booking adverts, dealing with cash and receipts and doing daily banking. In 2009, when the Midrand Reporter's journalists moved to Craighall, Jennifer took charge, sub-let the existing offices and found more suitable smaller premises - saving the company in excess of R5000 per month. She also arranged for the signage to be moved and redundant furniture to be disposed of. Always 'bok' for a new challenge she has recently taken on updating and maintaining the LookLocal database as well. Having started off as a cleaner, Jennifer has effectively become - and is affectionately known as - the MD of the Midrand Reporter!
Special AwardWinnerMartin PaulNewcastle AdvertiserMartin joined the media world in 1989 as a general reporter at the Germiston City News but soon rose through the ranks to become editor of the North Eastern Tribune. In 1997 he became editor of the Newcastle Advertiser and besides winning numerous personal awards; on his watch the paper won the best front page at the Sanlam Awards and best sold Newspaper at the Caxton Awards. Since then he has become Northern KZN group editor and the deputy branch manager, proving himself to be one of the few newspapermen able to straddle both journalism and management effectively.

Martin is a giver, not a taker, and though at heart he shuns the limelight, he is natural leader. At group level he became a key role player in the ongoing drive to improve editorial standards and represented Caxton at numerous press forums. His ability to identify and train quality staff is legendary and the Caxton Editors' Style Book which he compiled in 2007 will be a lasting legacy.

Martin has been a pillar of strength in the Caxton Group and will be very sorely missed [as he is leaving the company soon to return to the UK where he was born]
Best Non-Editorial Advertising FeatureWinnerHanlie LombaardLowvelder"Who's Who"Excellent community involvement with great use of characters. Not only a feature with a wonderful fun element but a good financial model to boot.
Best Major Advertising Feature or SupplementWinnerJody Scott, Ilani Vonk, Lauren Oosthuizen & Catherine McPhersonJoburg North's Get It"Cresta Gift Guide"Well-executed, visually appealing, with easy to follow design and layout. Embracing QR Code technology set it apart from the other finalists.
Best Overall Promotion of a PublicationWinnerBloemfontein Courant, with Rene KoenThese two entries really stood out for DIRECTLY promoting their products. The thoroughness of their conceptualisation and the brilliance of their execution were outstanding. Bloemfontein Courant gets top marks for its innovative and remarkable re-branding campaign.
Best Overall Promotion of a PublicationWinnerLeisure Options, with Kym Argo and Leisure Options for Leisure Options gets top marks for its iconic Best of Joburg campaign, which this year rose to new heights and generated widespread coverage on radio and TV.
Best Overall Promotion of a PublicationHighly commendedBenoni City Times90th Birthday Campaign
Best Overall Promotion of a PublicationHighly commendedEast RandLookLocal campaign
Best Original IdeaWinnerBrendon Carpenter & Margaret SmithJoburg North's LookLocalQR Code Button BadgesA novel way to attract viewers to the mobile LookLocal website. Get a brightly coloured button, scan it with your smartphone and Voila! You're automatically directed to the LookLocal mobile website! An idea that is fresh and really original!
Regional Manager of the YearWinnerRoland KoleskyMiddleburg HubRoland has grown enormously in the job since becoming manager and this year produced a bumper growth in profits on an already high base.
Regional Manager of the YearHighly commendedHannes CilliersNorthern MediaAnother tip top performance from last year's winner.
Metropolitan Manager of the YearHighly commendedAlbert BassonCapital Media, PretoriaFor a few years now Albert has produced sparkling results well above the Gauteng trend
Urban Manager of the YearWinnerVijay & Reenesh MaharajRising Sun, DurbanDespite operating in a fiercely competitive market, Vijay and Reenesh managed to increase their profit to sales, direct sales and net profit by percentages which would have stood out even in the heydays before the recession.
Best Portrait PhotographWinnerGerhard RheederMiddelburg Observer"'n Tent is Hul Woning"This real-life scenario - of a poor white South African family who call this place home and live in the tents, a stone's throw away from an affluent neighbourhood - works as an environmental portrait. It engages the reader.
Best Portrait PhotographHighly commendedZakithi DlaminiHighway Mail"Home is where the Heart Is"
Best Portrait PhotographHighly commendedTracy HolmwoodNorthern Review"Gentle Giant"
Best Feature PhotographWinnerMichael PatersonNorth Coast Courier"Borat on the Beach"The interaction between humans and animals make this a timeless image. The pic captures a lovely moment which will still be interesting 50 years on!
Best Feature PhotographHighly commendedMartin PaulNewcastle Advertiser"Wisdom"
Best Feature PhotographHighly commendedSuzette van HuyssteenRekord Oos"Lappiesland"
Best Hard News Photograph of the YearWinnerYasseen GaffarMiddelburg Observer"Shoot to Kill"A great hard-news image, well-xposed and well-composed. It's an unusual photograph of a dramatic moment. The expressions and the bizarre scene make it a winner!
Best Hard News Photograph of the YearHighly commendedZita GoldswainWitbank News"Dis my Pappa"
Best Hard News Photograph of the YearHighly commendedAbrie BronkhorstPotchefstroom Herald"Hou Uit, Hou Moed"
Best Sport PhotographWinnerEttienne van RensburgVaalweekblad"Try Time"An excellent action photo, well-seen and -executed with spot on framing.
Best Sport PhotographHighly commendedJannie du PlessisVaalweekblad"Hang in There"
Best Sport PhotographHighly commendedKobus RobbertzeBloemfontein Courant"Admiration"
Most Promising Journalist of the YearWinnerErnest WolmaransSprings AdvertiserA versatile portfolio with excellent follow-ups. Ernest tackles profiles and hard news with the equal gusto! He will go far!
Best LookLocal SiteWinnerLookLocal LowveldJudging was done by Rhodes digital guru Jude Mathurine and his honours students. It was a tough process adjudicating 31 sites but the top three in their book currently are: Bedfordview Edenvale, Benoni and Lowveld. All three sites deserve kudos for consistent growth in unique users and impressions, as well as news content curation and publishing using the muscle of Facebook and Twitter. Proactive and conversational approaches to social media encouraged user contributions and collaboration which had a clear effect on traffic.

The Lowveld LookLocal demonstrated the importance not just of making content 'web-ready' but web readable. In several instances, they followed the maxim: "Publish the best and link to the rest" by connecting users to value added content.
Best Get It CoverWinnerGet It Cape TownThis fantastic cover captures the region's setting, lifestyle and mood of the season. The excellent coverlines are very relevant to the target market.
Best Get It CoverHighly commendedGet It Potch/Klerksdorp/Parys
Best Get It CoverHighly commendedGet It Lowveld
Best Get It MagazineWinnerGet It Lowveld, with Melanie Reeder, Mirelle Jacobs, Annie Lindeque, Hennie Homann, Benno Stander, Orpa Claasen, Irma Green & Jenni SemmensFilled with diverse content, strong visuals and an edgy, interesting design. A good blend of interesting local lifestyle issues and great advertising support. The magazine flows beautifully and is a slick read
Best Get It MagazineHighly commendedGet It Cape Town, with Ellen Raubenheimer
Get It Journalist of the YearWinnerSamantha RichardsonGet It Joburg North & PretoriaSamantha entered a top-notch portfolio of personality pieces that were well-structured, -planned and -written.
Best Telesalesperson of the YearWinnerPreshni NaidooHighway MailPreshni's performance ticked all the right judging-criteria boxes. Her product knowledge and her ability to probe clients and match their needs with Caxton's features and benefits make her a very worthy winner.
Field Salesperson of the YearWinnerCatherine McPhersonJoburg NorthThe judges were impressed by Catherine's product knowledge, ability to cross sell, professionalism, confidence and determination. Catherine has the client's interests at heart and is more than a salesperson - she acts as a consultant. A Caxton Brand ambassador out of the top drawer!
Newspaper Journalist of the YearWinnerLandé WillemseLowvelderVersatility, thorough research, excellent writing in both English and Afrikaans and attention- grabbing intros are make Landé a worthy winner. She is an excellent and effective community journalist with her finger on the pulse!

For more:

Updated at 4.33pm on 30 March 2012.

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