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Euronews newsroom mobilised for big election weekend
BRUSSELS, BELGIUM / KIEV, UKRAINE: Euronews will be covering two major elections throughout the weekend on Euronews and euronews.com - with reports, interviews and a special election night on Sunday 25 May starting at 18:00 CET, live from our bureaux in Brussels and Kyiv. After the debates broadcast live, the reports out on the ground, the profiles of the five candidates and the special magazines, it's results time in the European presidential elections from 22-25 May. Live from its Brussels newsroom, Euronews' special team will cover the poll and the results arising from the choices of 400 million Europeans voting in 28 countries between 22 and 25 May. A special Euronews team has been deployed to cover the Ukraine presidential election on Sunday 25 May and all the reactions and results will be reported live on Euronews and euronews.com starting at 1800 on Sunday 25 May.