WAN releases third ad for global newspaper campaign

The new advertisement carries the slogan, “We¹ve done the search. You only have to turn the pages” and reads:
Newspapers represent an industry that connects with 1.6 billion people of all ages, all creeds and all races each and every day.We produce strongly branded products of different shapes and sizes, of varying quality, of different political hues, and deliver those products in various guises. Global sales of paid-for newspapers are growing (up nearly 10 percent over the last five years), our $190 billion industry is expected to grow its advertising by 17 percent over the next five-years, or at a faster rate than the preceding five years.
Print is the world's largest advertising medium (with a 42 percent share), and advertising revenues in newspapers alone exceed the combined total of radio, outdoor, cinema, magazines and, yes, the internet.
The two previous advertisements are also available for use by newspapers wishing to join this global advertising initiative.
One takes advantage of one of newspaper advertising's inherent strengths -- the power of persuasion -- and offers a compelling argument about why print is here to stay. The ad is entitled, "The Good News -- guess who gets 1.6 billion hits a day?"
The other advertisement, which pokes a little fun at the doomsayers, quotes some of the funniest and silliest things ever said by public figures -- leading to the infamous "newspapers are now an endangered species" quoted by The Economist last year.
WAN reports that hundreds of newspapers have already joined the campaign. WAN is inviting newspaper companies world-wide to join the initiative to promote the power of the newspaper and to rectify some of the absurd and damaging claims being made about its imminent demise.
The ad may be viewed and downloaded in English, Spanish, French, German and Italian Full details are available at www.wan-press.org/rubrique879.html.