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European Bluetooth Marketing Guidelines released for public review
They are the result of collaboration between MMA member companies within the MMA Global Proximity Committee, representing all parts of the mobile marketing ecosystem, including operators, content providers, agencies, brands and technology enablers.
Currently the guidelines refer to Bluetooth-based marketing, with future versions planned to cover other technologies such as Wi-Fi, Near-Field Communications (NFC) and location-based services. Topics covered include the advantages and uses of Bluetooth marketing and guidelines on delivery, content and legislation.
The forum for comment will remain open until 5pm GMT on 26 September, when the feedback will be reviewed and the document finalised, with the release of the updated guidelines planned for late October 2008.
“Bluetooth has several clear advantages that make it an attractive way to distribute content but must have consistent deployments,” said Laura Marriott, MMA president. “As with other forms of mobile marketing communication, it is important to provide guidelines that ensure a positive user experience.”
For information on where to access the guidelines, go to www.mmaglobal.com.