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TopTV launched, competition heats up

Launched amid military-themed dance, song, glamour and pomp [pity that the sound was so atrociously bad that we could barely understand the speakers - managing ed] the, the low-cost package TV station is set to change the face of the South African pay-TV landscape and ignite a fierce competition with former monopolistic provider DStv.
“Now open to the public”
“About 100 people have been watching TopTV for the past two months, but it is now open to the public and anyone who buys a decoder and get it installed with the dish will have to wait about 48 hours - for now - before getting the signal,” Melinda Connor, TopTV spokeswoman, told Bizcommunity.com a little while ago.
Connor also said that a TopTV decoder, dish and installation fees cost R499 altogether, and are available at Pep stores, OK, Makro and Dion, among others.
TopTV's full package of 52 channels cost R249, almost half of what a DStv's full package (premium) costs (R529). TopTV's channels include Fox News, Current TV (owned by Gore), CBS, Showtime, among others.
“Believe in competition”
Gore said last night: “This is exciting because I believe in competition. There are so many families that will enjoy exciting networks, including Current TV. This is really changing the face of [the] SA pay-TV landscape.
“Thank you, South Africa, thank you TopTV for giving us a chance to be part of your TV world. I love South Africa and I am proud to be here.”
Minister Nyanda said: “The launch of TopTV ushers a new era in this country and comes at the time when we are about to adopt the digital migration.
“SA is a country alive with possibilities but we do have many challenges and hopefully we will work together for the interest of the nation. We are confident that TopTV will bring much-needed relief and entertainment, including more quality locally-produced programmes to many consumers.”
Champagne via sabrage

Nyanda, Gore, TopTV CEO Vino Govender and TopTV chairman Valli Moosa opened bottles of champagne via sabrage to signal the end of DStv's monopoly and the dawn of low-cost pay TV.
Already, tensions are running high in the pay-TV market as the competition heats up. MultiChoice, the sole provider of pay-TV in SA for the past 15 years, has already gone on the counter-attack, announcing the launch of DStv Lite, a R99 package made up of 25 TV channels, 32 radio and 10 DMX music channels.
DStv's various options to subscribers include DStv EasyView (R20), DStv Lite (R99), DStv Select 1 (R148), DStv Select 2 (R148), DStv Compact (R232), DStv Premium (R529).
Introduction of new packages
Asked whether the introduction of new packages has something to do with the launch of TopTV, Marietjie Groenewald, MultiChoice SA's issues management and stakeholder communication, told Bizcommunity.com: “We don't answer questions on the phone because there is always a possibility that a misunderstanding might occur and you might misquote us, meaning write things we didn't say.
“That is the standard procedure with all the journalists. If you have queries, send me an email and we will respond to you in writing.”
TopTV's Connor played down DStv's counter-attack, saying: “We are not targeting DStv customers. Instead our primary focus is to provide service to people who for many many years have not been able to afford pay-TV programming.”
For TopTV packages, call 086 000 TopTV or tel +27 (0)11 582 9802, email , or go to www.toptv.co.za.

About Issa Sikiti da Silva
Issa Sikiti da Silva is a winner of the 2010 SADC Media Awards (print category). He freelances for various media outlets, local and foreign, and has travelled extensively across Africa. His work has been published both in French and English. He used to contribute to Bizcommunity.com as a senior news writer.Related