Businesses should plan for extra public holidays in 2013
The two consecutive public holiday days impact on working arrangements and shifts. Employers are cautioned to consider this in advance and make appropriate arrangements. Care should be taken to ensure that consent is obtained from those employees expected to work on public holidays. This consent may be obtained on a case-by-case basis and need not be in writing. However, best practice is to secure consent in advance in an employment contract or collective agreement.
Requests for additional days off
In addition, employers should expect employee requests for additional days off on Friday, 22 March; Monday, 23 September and Friday, 27 December. These days are between a public holiday and weekend resulting in sought-after long weekends for employees.
While employees have a statutory entitlement to annual leave, employers may decide when to allow employees to take their annual leave. Sound employee relations practices would see employers allocating requests for leave days to be taken during these prime slots on a fair and equitable basis. Employers should consider inviting requests for annual leave at this early stage of the year to avoid disruption to work over the long weekends ahead.
About Faan Coetzee
Faan Coetzee is a director in the employment practice of Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr.