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Edcon sponsors Casual Day

Casual Day, the flagship project of the National Council for Persons with Physical Disabilities (NCPPDSA), a not-for-profit organisation mandated to improve education, inclusivity, accessibility and social integration for persons with disabilities, has raised over R170 million since its inception 18 years ago. The funds are raised as a result of a R10 donation for a Casual Day sticker. This year's theme is "Go Big".
"As we kick start our 2013 campaign, we welcome on board our principal sponsor," says NCPPDSA chairman, Brian Sweetlove. "Our sponsors are the lifeblood of Casual Day, which raises essential funds to enable the council, its beneficiaries and participating entities to create a barrier-free society in which persons with disabilities can fully participate."
Perfect fit
"The group is a perfect fit for Casual Day, as the project encourages the people of South Africa to go to work dressed differently on the first Friday in September every year. It is a fun project and allows everyone to make a contribution. We would like to extend a huge thank you to the group and the staff of all its stores, who helped to make Casual Day a runaway success last year and we look forward to working with them again this year," adds Therina Wentzel, national director of NCPPDSA,
Corporate social investment is an integral part of the group's transformation strategy. Dr Urin Ferndale, chief operating officer and executive director at Edcon explains, "Over the past seven years, the group has been a supporter of the annual Casual Day campaign and this entailed being essentially, a reseller of Casual Day stickers. This year, it has committed to fund the project for another three years where it will continue to act as a caring corporate citizen in an effort to make a meaningful difference to the disability community."
This year Casual Day takes place on 6 September 2013 and stickers can be purchased at all group stores. The funds are distributed to the following six national beneficiaries:
- The National Council for Persons with Physical Disabilities in SA (NCPPDSA);
- Epilepsy SA;
- SA National Council for the Blind;
- SA Federation for Mental Health;
- Deaf Federation of SA (Deafsa);
- Disabled People South Africa (DPSA)
For more, go to www.ncppdsa.co.za.