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Cosatu, R2K, SANEF to work together against Secrecy Bill

Cosatu secretary-general Zwelinzima Vavi met with SANEF on Wednesday morning, 30 November 2011, to plan a way forward on the opposition to the Protection of State Information Bill.
The two organisations agreed that the major hurdle is that the public doesn't seem to know what the bill is all about, and why it is a threat to everyone's freedom and not just the media's. The focus in the coming weeks is going to be on a public-awareness campaign aimed at teaching the public what threats the bill poses.
The strategy formulated by the loose coalition between Cosatu, SANEF and Right2Know can be described as three-pronged: education, petition and litigation.
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Source: Free African Media

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About Sipho Hlongwane: @comradesipho
Sipho Hlongwane is a professional communicator and freelance writer based in Cape Town. Follow him on Twitter at @comradesipho.