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Inaugural VinPro Santam Cellar Conference successful

Presenters conveyed the message that innovation and the continuous strengthening of a unique identity will keep the South African wine industry at the forefront of the global wine arena, to around 200 cellars, producers and other wine industry role-players.
"South Africans have the creativity, courage and can do attitude to give the wine industry a competitive edge," said Peter McAtamney, principal of the Australian consulting firm, Wine Business Solutions.
The industry managed to reinvent itself continuously in its 355-year history, overcoming large obstacles such as wars, vineyard diseases and depressions, added Rico Basson, VinPro's MD.
South Africa's wine exports have grown exponentially over the past two decades from 22 million litres in 1992 to 528 million litres in 2013. Although Europe remains a key market, the industry is shifting its focus to new markets such as North America, Asia and Africa.
According to Siobhan Thompson, CEO of Wines of South Africa (WOSA), there has been a wave of optimism from international opinion-makers about South Africa recently, with specific reference to a new generation young, exciting winemakers and wines.
Aspects such as socially and environmentally responsible practices are increasingly important to consumers; however according to McAtamney, ultimately they want to know what a wine tastes like and where it comes from. "Use innovative packaging to portray this and link experiences and concepts that are familiar to the consumer to your product. The tea industry is great at doing this," he said.
Christo Conradie, manager of VinPro's Wine Cellars division, said the wine industry does not primarily focus on getting people to drink more wine, but on getting more people to drink wine, compared to so-called RTDs and beer. South Africans drink close to 7 litres of wine per capita, compared to 8 litres/capita RTDs and 58 litres/capita beer. Conradie emphasised the importance of market-driven production, referring to a wine value-chain analysis that is being conducted with the University of Stellenbosch.
Cellars also increasingly focus their efforts on efficient energy management. According to Prof Alan Brent of the University of Stellenbosch's Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies, measuring usage is a good start. "Take note of small, cheap ways to save energy, such as fixing leaks, checking insulation and scheduling usage around cheaper Eskom tariffs at certain times."
Danie Cronjé, director at Cluver Markotter, encouraged wine businesses to stay informed continuously of changes in liquor legislation and apply for licenses in advance where applicable to save costs.
Basson referred to a strategic framework that is being formulated by the South African wine industry to ensure an adaptable, robust, globally competitive and profitable industry by 2025. The framework will be finalised by the end of 2014, which will focus on economic empowerment, market and social development, reviewing knowledge and information structures, human resource development and training, as well as technological innovation and transfer.
"Santam Agriculture has a responsibility to help create a positive environment for wine producers and cellars and it is with pride that we sponsor the conference," said Niel Esterhuyse, marketing manager: Santam Agriculture. The company is pleased to be associated with a conference that encourages cellars to innovate in order to overcome challenges.
"We value our stakeholders' business and should have a firm grasp of all the challenges they face, in order to provide authentic insurance. These sponsorships don't only bring us closer to our clients, but give us the opportunity to obtain important input in developing tailor-made products for them," he concluded.
To download the presentations, go to www.vinpro.co.za.