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Entries for environmental media awards now online
Robyn Chalmers, corporate communications head for SAB, says, "We believe the time is right to move the Awards from a strictly physical entry process to an online environment. This portal has been designed to ensure that all aspects of the competition, from entering the awards, to nominating the Environmentalist of the Year, to the judging of the entries are quicker and easier than it has been in the past."
In order to gain access to the portal, users need to register and then can either start uploading entries for the awards or submit nominations for the Environmentalist of the Year. For competition entrants, clear and detailed instructions are provided throughout the entry process on how to upload entries as well as what formats, sizes and types of supporting media need to be included.
For broadcast entrants, all entries need to be submitted either via a YouTube or a Vimeo link and instructions on how to do that also appear on the portal.
"It's a step forward in terms of how we manage all aspects of the competition. At the same time, we acknowledge that some entrants will still prefer to submit physical entries. These physical entries will be captured under the auspices of the competition auditors, Grant Thornton, and will be uploaded on behalf of the entrants."
"This new way of doing things is in line with our recent promise of evolving the awards to ensure they conform to global best practice," concludes Chalmers.
Winners will be announced at an awards luncheon on Thursday 17 October 2012 at the Johannesburg Country Club.
For more information, go to www.sabenvironment.co.za.