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Wall of Hope opens at Melrose Arch

The thought-provoking piece is forged from steel and consists of 5500 silhouetted, childlike figures, each with an empty tummy. Standing at 1.8 metres high and 115 meters long, the interconnected panels bend around the Piazza to form what from ground level appears to be a maze, but from above writes out a word that this initiative has made reality in so many children's lives: Hope.
The South African public is encouraged to interact with the installation over the next two weeks by filling the children's tummies with a R2 coin, to continue spreading hope to those less fortunate.
Keith Warren, MD of KFC South Africa, who opened the Wall to mark World Hunger Relief month says, "No initiative of this magnitude can be successful without the support of everyone in the organisation but most important are the contributions from our South African consumers."
Speakers included founder Terry Volkywn of Lead SA and iconic South African artist Willem Boshoff. Others at the unveiling were Kurt Darren, 5FM's Rob Vember, recently formed Mi Casa group, Joao Fonseca, Moshe Kgasoane, Muvhango's Nthabi Mphahlela, 7de Laan's Hildegardt Whites, and from Isidingo, Jack Devnarain, Kim Engelbrecht and Ashish Gangapersad to sign autographs, motivate people to make a donation and raise general awareness around hunger alleviation.
Unlike many other CSI projects, which are run in short bursts throughout the year, Add Hope runs year in, year out, because the Add Hope R2 menu item remains on the KFC menu throughout the year.
Add Hope Trust ensures good governance
Since 1995, the brand has contributed R74 million to the Add Hope Trust. Since the introduction of the R2 menu item in stores, consumers have shown their support by contributing R14 million over the last four years. To date, the Add Hope campaign has raised R88 million worth of funds towards hunger relief.
"We believe that through a spirit of partnership, where we as a brand give and our consumers give, we can make a sustainable difference," continues Warren. Consumer proceeds for Add Hope 2010 saw funds distributed to non-profit organisations, the MES organisation, Touch Africa and Joint Aid Management in aid of their much-needed feeding programmes.
The primary recipients of the various initiatives are children. As the company understands that children are the future of the country's economic and social growth and need to be nurtured to become productive players in the economy. Something as simple as getting a good meal on a regular basis is an important starting point.
"Recipients are chosen carefully to ensure that the full R2 donation from consumers actually feeds a hungry child. The funds are divided between national and regional initiatives and numerous other community initiatives. The trust also responds to ad hoc hunger crisis requests, such as flood victim support or xenophobic attacks," says Warren.
In this respect, the company issues a mandate to all its franchisees to become involved in the project by adopting local charities within their store communities. Today, it supports 65 local community initiatives that directly care for thousands of children across South Africa.
"This World Hunger Relief Month, we are encouraging all South African's to Add Hope so that we can keep spreading it. Contributions can be made in the children's tummies at the Wall of Hope in Melrose Arch piazza, the virtual Wall of Hope online, SMS Hope to 38976 as a once off donation of R10 or at their nearest store," concludes Warren.
For more information, go to www.addhope.co.za.