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Light waves deliver cost, hygiene benefits
IR in food preparation, heating
The use of infra-red lamps for heating of food in delis, food prep areas, restaurants and supermarkets is well-documented. Once food has been prepared, keeping it warm without sacrificing the moisture content or quality is essential. With infrared you can even brown the toppings of ready-prepared meals without any further unwanted cooking of the meal itself.
Beyond the warming aspect, there is a growing trend towards the use of infrared cooking as a means of delivering a far healthier, quality product, but also significantly reducing energy costs associated with running large ovens, grills and cooking plates.
Infrared food preparation has many converts who currently use only this kind of cooking. The accuracy of infrared is impressive as it allows for perfect control and hence significantly reduced reject rates, for example in baking and bread production. The flavour of the food cooked via this means is also significantly better as products such as seafood, chicken, meats and veggies actually cook from the inside, retaining its organic tastes and juices. Roasting is important in enhancing the flavour and appearance of many meats, which IR does rapidly and effectively. IR is also used extensively to great effect in the confectionary industry, for example in the making of certain deserts such as meringues, Crème Brule and in chocolate making.
Significant Energy Savings
Infrared cooking systems are at least 50% quicker than regular ovens and grills. It facilitates excellent baking results and rapidly grills and browns meat while retaining the moisture content. In an IR oven, the radiation is utilised to permeate the food, a lot like microwave oven rays. The heat starts cooking the middle of the foods more rapidly than in conventional cooking methods where heat has to journey from the exterior toward the middle. In addition, you don't have the hassle and cost of pre-heating and can deploy more or less infrared lamps according to the quantity of food that needs preparing, rather than running entire ovens and cooker tops during low demand times. The cumulative cost savings in this regard are significant.
Healthier and safer
Infrared disinfection is also another benefit for the baking industry in particular. For example in bread making, mould is often a problem because of the action of yeast fermentation which is what makes the bread rise when baked. Controlled infrared - or thermal - disinfection allows the yeast to ferment without the unwanted growth of moulds and mildews and means less preservatives are needed to extend the shelf-life of the baked product.
With infrared cooking, there is no smoke or the risk of carcinogens and hydrocarbons which are produced when fats fall onto burning coals - often the risk with a traditional wood- or charcoal-burning fire. Cleaning is simple and done rapidly and normal washing of the IR reflectors will ensure the effectiveness and longevity of the system. For food industries, an additional foil layer can be added to protect from any falling particles.
Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation
Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI) in the food and beverage industries is one of company's specialist areas and one which is growing rapidly in terms of demand. This solution is 100% safe, highly effective and ideally suited to surface and air sterilisation requirements in the food, beverage, bottling, refrigeration and packaging environments.
UVGI systems in a food environment are designed to prevent food safety hazards by utilising a specially designed UV light to inactivate all known food spoilage micro-organisms including bacteria, yeasts and mould spores as well as pathogens such as viruses. The primary objective is to control mould by eradicating fungal spores and spoilage microbes that may settle on food surfaces. The result is a highly effective, 100% environmentally friendly solution, as no chemicals whatsoever are needed.
Surface sterilisation within the food processing industry is a crucial element in an airtight Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) programme. With UVGI, both surface and air-borne contaminants can be controlled. UVGI is proving hugely effective in controlling hygiene and managing infestations. Ambassador Foods, one of our clients producing nut products for leading retail chains, installed a UVGI system with comparisons showing an 80% reduction in infestation within weeks.
UV surface sterilisation system disinfects areas in food production plants by decontaminating the equipment surfaces. Within a normal production process the UV lamps are typically placed in tunnels that are mounted onto the food assembly lines. These tunnels are strategically positioned around and above moving conveyors utilising fittings designed for surface or suspension mounting. The inside of each tunnel incorporates food grade stainless steel reflectors that enhance both the irradiance levels and the coverage delivering optimum efficacy.
UV lamps are safely ensconced in a UV transmitting plastic security sleeve that prevents any glass or mercury splintering ending up in the food or beverages. The plastic sleeve absorbs approximately 20% of the UV radiation therefore it's important that the lamp selection is done with this aspect in mind.
Maintenance is easy, with each lamp requiring attention once every 8000 hours which roughly equates to once a year. It is as simple as replacing the lamp and cleaning the reflectors. UVGI is a hassle-free system that requires low maintenance, is the least intrusive in the production process and highly effective, making it the ideal solution for any surface sterilisation needs within a food processing environment.
The use of UVGI forms part of a comprehensive HACCP programme and must be implemented in conjunction with a thorough hygiene process. The systems can be effectively deployed throughout the food and beverage processing system, from conveyor belts to wash bays, preparation areas, fridges, packing houses, kitchens and more.
For more information go to www.technilamp.co.za
About Hylton Cowie
Hylton Cowie is the commercial director at Technilamp.