UniForum SA backs SACOT computer applications Olympiad 2011

The event is organised by the South African Computer Olympiad Trust (SACOT), an organisation established by the Computer Society of South Africa (CSSA) specifically to promote and administer the annual South African Computer Olympiads. In addition to the Computer Applications Olympiad, SACOT arranges and hosts the Computer Aptitude Olympiad and the Computer Programming Olympiad.
More than 5000 high schools across South Africa are invited to take part in the Olympiads each year. The Computer Applications Olympiad was introduced last year and drew more than 6000 registrations. The Olympiad is focused on the usage of common application tools such as word processing, spreadsheets and databases.
Sponsoring the Olympiad
Said Peter Waker, CEO of SACOT: "We recognised the need for this Olympiad last year because more and more schools are offering the subject Computer Applications Technology to their pupils. It is a subject that is attracting a diverse population of learners and one that helps prepare youngsters for a technology-driven workplace. We believe that there is a great deal of benefit in promoting the value of this subject through an Olympiad."

Fiona Wallace, a director of UniForum SA, said that they will be sponsoring the Olympiad in line with its commitment to advancing ICT in education through its CO.ZA Cares Corporate Social Investment programme. The Olympiad is an especially attractive and worthwhile project because it attracts entries from schools in under-resourced communities and helps to promote the importance of ICT in these schools.
Schools are invited to register for the Computer Applications Olympiad at www.olympiad.org.za. This round will take place on Friday 12 August at schools. Ten to 15 of the best performers will take part in the final Computer Applications round to be held the University of Cape Town on 4 October. An awards ceremony will take place on 5 October.
2010 winner Sean Wentzel being congratulated by Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Derek Hanekom.