Apple vs BlackBerry - juicing it up
Responding to the recent release of the Liqui-Fruit BlackBerry Flavour, Ceres Fruit Juice has launched a Ceres Limited Edition Apple flavour. "We thought we would have a bit of fun by responding just as competing handset brands do out there," says Nabeel Schrueder, brand manager, Ceres.

As part of the launch, the company has released an exciting interactive online game which can be found on the its Facebook Page. The tongue-in-cheek game encourages users to 'root out the cheeky blackberry's that have snuck into the beautiful Ceres Valley' to stand a chance in winning one of seven Apple iPhone 5s.
The Ceres Limited Edition 200 ml Apple packs are available from March 2013 at all participating petrol station forecourts and Fruit and Veg City's.
For more information, go to Ceres Facebook Page.