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One tree for every employee
The first 800 trees, sourced from a Woolworths Trust EduPlant school nursery in Thembisa, have been planted at the company's Midrand Distribution campus as part of an ongoing greening project. Planting began in December 2007. The trees - Rhus Lancea (Karee Tree), Wild Gardenia, Noltea Africana (Soup Dogwood Tree), Dais Cotinifolia (Pompom Tree), Combretum Erythrophyllum (River Bushwillow) - are all indigenous. The young saplings were planted in an area covering nearly 20,000m2 of land.
Woolworths Trust EduPlant initiative has established itself as a leading schools food, gardening and greening programme that promotes the growing of good food using permaculture techniques. Permaculture strives for agriculture that is ecologically sound and sustainable in the long term: this means that it should be non-polluting, economically and socially viable, and provide for its own needs. Woolworths Trust EduPlant is coordinated by Food and Trees for Africa.
“The proceeds from the purchase of the trees have helped finance seeds to grow more trees and plants for the Woolworths Trust EduPlant programme. The money has also helped fund a feeding scheme for learners in need at Thuthuka Primary School in Thembisa,” says Annah Kgatla, Chief Procurement Officer at Trees for Africa. Food and Trees for Africa (FTFA) is the leading national, public benefit, civil society, greening and food gardening organisation in South Africa. FTFA is proactively addressing climate change, food security, sustainable development.