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Rise of alpha dreamers
A new global age has arrived.
Alpha dreamers can easily recognise this new global age. They are connected and hard-wired to real life, and they are soft-wired to technocalamity. They speak a different language, act distinctively, think differently and steadily arise quietly to change the world. They can easily isolate truth, eliminate junk overload and respond to real information. Because they are invisible, the media has failed to identify this hidden new demographic. Nevertheless, as a new global mind-share, their harmonious presence and superior thinking moves them towards prolonged peaceful living and global sustainability issues keep infusing them with new energies. They are the frontline inquisitors who are exploring the hidden powers of mankind; yet they fully appreciate the human frailty and the mystery of its origin. They have collaboration built into their genes. They are blind to skin colours and deaf to dogmas; they are comfortable with global age thinking and execution. They are continually seeding for worldwide prosperity and they represent the new consciousness of mankind. Their silence is the next thunder.
The seeding of worldwide prosperity demands the elimination of white-collar thinking.
This new global age thinking, with its wisdom and execution, will steadily wipe out last-century white-collar thinking. The towers of bureaucracies with cascading incompetency camouflaged with built-in corruption will collapse. Such passé age skills will be replaced by instant and simple black-and-white checks and balances, bottom-line results, and honest tabulations. It will be surrounded by automation and robotics pushing rapid-fire technologies, and it will be driven by the hyper-speed global age execution. There is just no escape. Cavemen were shown no mercy but forced to accept the wheel.
What’s going on? The world is moving ahead at its own special speed. It is producing, consuming, charging and dancing and this tempo will not slow down for anyone. As these changes occur, the highly agenda-centric doom and gloom mind-numbing media blasts only serve the divisive dog-whistling political leaderships. Out there, the real world is very different and for every one bad thing happening, there are thousands of better events occurring with astounding options. There are tadpole’s and bird’s eye views. The sky is not falling and this new global age living is primarily for global age friendly players. Living in this global age demands new knowledge and thinking.
Who are the alpha dreamers? The secrets of the new global age are hidden within the two billion-plus online connected people called “alpha dreamers”; these are the bright new global age thinkers of the world; they are the new dream weavers of mankind. They are far more informed over and above what media feeds them. They are all age groups from all over the world. They are the new universal citizens.

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They are bold because they are not afraid of technocalamity; they are confident because they know more about smart deployment of resources than their local government administrators or politicians; they are entrepreneurs and know about better job creation with massive prosperity to solve social problems; they are getting seriously organised because they have lost faith in those once-established intuitions that are now drowning in incompetency or corruption. Most importantly, alpha dreamers are neither afraid to push their own personal transformation into superior performance nor are they afraid of breaking the many old rigid rules, ways of thinking or changing the procedures around them. They are getting ready to openly lead the next prosperity revolution. They are the first ever, largest and most well connected group in the history of mankind.
They are dreamers… as dreams lay the foundations for realities.
Without dreaming there is nothing but fear, insecurities and panic. Alpha dreamers are global age friendly and well armed with devices of global connectivity. They are wired to the internet of everything, plus they have in-depth understanding of the emotional capability required for mobilising intuitive wisdom in multi-directional spins for survival. They are ‘soft power asset managers’, and they are not locked down in ‘hard-asset centricity’. To them, the world control and influences are increasingly not in the hands of a small percentage of power brokers, but rather in the hands of new global age masses. The most obvious proof of this new power is hidden in the endless lingering and bickering over major and critical decisions and the prolonged incapability of the once powerful and fast action government bodies.
Fact: Alpha dreamers of the UK were not afraid of the global age and therefore wanted to ‘remain’ in EU. Where are the rest of the alpha dreamers hidden in the western economies? What will they do next? How will the American alpha dreamers decide, and how will the US elections play out? How will the rusty thinking, old establishments face such changes? What is required to harmonise and optimise this unstoppable force for better prosperity? What are the immediate challenges; where are the threats and opportunities for the existing national organisational and political leaderships all over the world?
Question: Looking at the news around the world and witnessing repeated failures of the righteousness of polls and punditry, are we increasingly becoming too illiterate to cope with the future? Massive outright rejection of national politicians, once reserved for far away and unknown countries with unpronounceable names of the period, now so prevalent in G20+ melting pots where citizenry dangles in suspense like a pendulum between war strategies or economical collapses and awaits the strike of the gong. It’s a horror movie of the period, all right. What may happen next?
Trumpeted calls are being echoed in the USA 2016 elections.
Is the nation now ready to get united or will it remain fragmented; will the populous play fair and are they ready for an open game? The US election between Republican and Democratic ideologies is an old model for fundamentalist fighting based on massive divisive marathon of TV ads, dog-whistle politics funded by deep pocket interest groups. These repetitive old models, which have spanned the last century, are showing stress. Trumpeted calls are being responded to. First, the alpha dreamers of the USA are neither Republicans nor Democrats as they only want to be good and bold Americans and they are smartly interested in their own country as a prime agenda. They are equally anxious in creating equally respectable relationships around the world. The alpha dreamers will decide the US 2016 election and UK’s Brexit lessons will demand intense and intelligent dialogue. The winners will be living proof of such new forces and will serve as examples of how to make decisions over and above petty politics. Will Trump show the clarity to harness and fine tune such new powerful forces or fall back in the old, rotten, divisive politics? Will America be greater again or go back to its slip-and-slide path?
Fact: A new dawn emerges towards 2020. Towers of paper-based bureaucracies ruled the world and later were wiped out in the post-software transition era. They shrank into a CD and are now left in drawers of empty offices. Now Block Chain technology of crypto-currencies and time-stamped database systems will eliminate and replace most needs of financial, legal, medical and other professional expertise in this massive push-button automation.
This will be the biggest revolution since the start of the internet. It will impact billions of professionals. There will be no escape; like the wheel, it is here to stay.
Question: Billion job-seekers vs. billion job-creators? Mathematically it can be proven that come 2020 some one billion white collar jobs will be eliminated, main reason, technological advancement, automation and robotisation. This tsunami is unstoppable. It’s a real tragedy that speaking about this is considered an absolute political incorrectness as such notions always get deleted from tele-prompters. How will the pending loss of a billion job-seekers be transformed into flourishing a billion job creators? What’s your suggestion?
Let’s borrow a time machine:
Forget about drones; imagine if Wal-Mart were to sell home models of personalised time machines to allow us to travel in and out of the last hundred years. It would be a great exercise to measure our own emotional and mental development. Contrary to feeling very smart with a mobile smart phone in hand, in reality, we have digressed and maybe became a bit dumb and dumber. Never mind any evolutionary advancement. A quick look at the global scene is enough to provide proof.
However, historically speaking, if mankind was enlightened during the Renaissance, we have recently gone through a similar enlightenment process with the invention of the internet. Now a multi-dimension internet appears; basic, advanced and super-advanced and the new global age is thriving on this new super advanced internet of everything. Ideas that can help not only one but all nations will be the most desired. What’s eventually becomes good for everyone in the world will naturally become good enough for everyone’s local prosperity.
What is technocalamity?
When the tsunami of free technologies make established organisations appear outdated and when emerging entrepreneurs acquire extraordinary access and power to global markets overnight, the demands on human development and its capability to understand the wired-framing of business models becomes critical as old thinking gets fried creating fear, panic and calamity… smart and trained minds find comfort in such intense zones.
Fact: The comfortable cultures of the past, for example the rotary phones, room size computers and floors of filing cabinets era; new and innovative changes were fiercely resisted. History will show that most technological advancements were met with opposition. Now that the lag between current and future has become extremely close to reality, the old last century ways of doing of “anything or everything” will be jolted by the “internet of everything”. Some billions of white-collar jobs will be on the line. They will be lost in the wilderness of technocalamity and only the smart will survive.
Question: Some smart nations are now thinking of letting one million entrepreneurs land within the country under special concessions, taxations, visas and immigrations to create local prosperity and revolutionise massive job creation, while many dumb countries are building walls. Some 100 million entrepreneurs are mobile around the world looking for fertilised options and far better quality of life. Which nation has the foresight, which country the organisational infrastructures and which leadership has the guts?
How far is the horizon; when will the sun rise and what will happen at high-noon?
Once, coming out of the darkness into light was the biggest challenge: As we move forward in time, it becomes obvious that once again it’s not the invented things that make the differences; rather it is the deeper thinking and the use of advanced skills that will push us ahead. For example, the discovery of electricity was not the all-important issue. We had to come to grips emotionally and physically to the drastic lifestyle changes that this discovery made to our lives. Continuous lifestyle adjustments and deployment of that invention drove us to a massive transformation. It was not just a light switch but rather coming out of the darkness into light was the main challenge. This is also the case now as we to come out of our metal cubes and boxes and launch into open, cyber-connected, wide open global age spaces. We must not be scared like house trained kittens and too scared to step into the front yard. We are at the cusp of overly invented ideas which seriously lack deployment while we are emotionally afraid to let go of our heavy filing cabinets and squared cubicles and afraid of boundary-less living.
Alpha dreamers are welcomed…
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