Campari Group to acquire 49% interest in e-commerce site Tannico
According to FoodBev Media, the Campari Group is to buy 49% interest in e-commerce platform Tannico for €23.4m.
Under the terms of the transaction, Campari will acquire 39% of Tannico's shares while subscribing to a reserved capital increase to reach a 49% shareholding. Following the acquisition, the beverage company will have the possibility to increase its stake to 100% starting from 2025, based on certain conditions.
"Being an essential part of our digital transformation journey, e-commerce is a strategically relevant channel for our business. In this respect, Tannico represents a unique and strategic fit with our long-term business development goals," says Bob Kunze-Concewitz, CEO of the Campari Group.
Tannico's online platform is for wines and premium spirits in Italy. It offers 14,000 wines from over 2,500 domestic and international wineries.
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