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Seven New Year's resolutions for a brand agency
1. To begin with, starting the year with a clean slate requires cleaning up our desks and desktops (sigh), and archiving our old work. If we include our inboxes in this list we're looking at least a half day of work here, but we think it will be worth it.
2. We resolve to kick off each week with a brief time of planning (even if we do it individually). This will up productivity and help keep us on top of things. We also resolve to complete our timesheets every day (there will be no procrastinating for us in 2013... got to start out positive, right?).
3. In 2013, we commit to stress less! If work frequently reaches the point where we are snapping at people and dropping F-bombs, there's something wrong. (We may be a little more lenient on this one when we're on deadline, but as a pattern we want the agency to be a happy place).
4. We also vow to be kind to our bodies by drinking less coffee and energy drinks and striving for more balance (learning to switch off from work when home, trying to get some exercise in and so on). Again, we're likely to be pretty lenient on this one around deadlines).
5. In 2013, we resolve to continue our endless campaign to have Comic Sans removed from font libraries. It's for the greater good. Wish us luck!
6. Perhaps one of our weightiest commitments is to stay current. This means viewing the time it takes to keep up with what's going on in the industry as an investment. It also means embracing new trends and technologies rather than getting stuck in our ways.
7. Finally, we resolve to fully embrace social media in 2013, not only in our personal capacities, but in a business capacity. Rather than seeing it as a time waster, we're going to make it work for us.
2013 could go one of two ways: it could suck, or it could be our best year yet. Basically it's up to us. We're going to strive for the former. Please inspire us with your resolutions in the comments section below.

About Natasha McClymont
Natasha McClymont is MD of Fresh Brand Activation, a Cape-based agency specialising in below-the-line marketing boasting clients such as Three Ships Whisky, CapeNature and BP. Contact details: website www.freshba.co.za | Facebook page WeAreFreshAM