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Dual Mpact for Wadeville Plant
Staff members from Mpact Plastics Wadeville gathered to do their share of good for the environment by committing to filling a brand new recycling dome placed on their manufacturing site by another Mpact division, Recycling.

With this divisional collaboration Mpact Plastics Wadeville are also promoting the creation of employment by supporting the owner-driver that collects the paper bank as well as the El-Shammah Home for abandoned babies by donating the proceeds of the paper collection to them.
Adele Thompson, procurement specialist from Mpact Recycling Thulisa Park, visited the Mpact Plastics Wadeville plant together with the iconic Ronnie Recycler to educate the employees on the various paper grades that can be recycled. The emphasis of the educational drive was to encourage deposits into the bin and thereby decrease recyclable waste to landfill.

Paper grades include flattened cardboard boxes, rolled cores, lined and unlined liquid packaging boxes, egg cartons and all paper products such as envelopes, newspaper and office paper.
All paper banks are sealed units to promote the cleanliness and neatness of the site that they are placed on. Once collected, the content is sorted, baled and transported to the Mpact Paper Mills, a third of the five divisional organisation. New products can then be manufactured using the recycled fibre.
Congratulations to Welma van den Berg and the rest of the Wadeville team for promoting this initiative and positively contributing to a number of good causes in the process!

About Mpact Plastics
Mpact Plastics is a leading producer of rigid plastic packaging and cling film, producing a range of packaging and serving a multitude of blue-chip customers within various industries, including products for the food, beverage, personal care, homecare, pharmaceutical, agricultural, industrial and retail markets.
Contact: Mpact Plastics Wadeville │011 418 6000 │ az.oc.tcapm@ofni │ www.mpact.co.za

Mpact Plastics is a leading producer of rigid plastic packaging and cling film in southern Africa. We operate out of nine production centres across the country, providing packaging from plants with relevant certifications. We service the food, beverage, personal care, home care, pharmaceutical, agricultural and retail markets. In upholding company values, and as a supporter of the circular economy, we positively contribute to industry associations, enabling various communities to participate in recycling solutions.
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