IWMSA concerned about Waste Tyre Management Plan
The DEA recently indicated that they had withdrawn the approval of the IIWTMP which had been approved in the Government Gazette Notice published on 28 November 2011.
Opportunity for public comment is welcomed
"We at the IWMSA are very concerned about the process that was followed that resulted in the approval of the REDISA IIWTMP plan, especially in light of the fact that the South African Tyre Recycling Process Company (SATRP) had also developed and submitted such a plan," said IWMSA president, Stan Jewaskiewitz. "We welcome the decision of the acting Minister to withdraw the approval of the REDISA plan and to open it up for further public comment."
"The IWMSA are encouraging our members to use this opportunity to engage with the DEA regarding the IIWTMP. We will gladly offer our services and expertise to the DEA to host workshops on this issue to ensure that our voice is heard," Jewaskiewitz concluded.