Konica Minolta sponsors 500 trees for township

Ten local community educators, trained by FTFA, handed out 250 fruit trees and 250 indigenous shade trees to the community residents to plant in their gardens, along with instructions on the planting and care of the trees.
Sustainable income
As well as a potential source of sustainable income for many households, the tree planting project will improve the environmental health of the community and make it a greener, more pleasant place to live.
Staff from Konica Minolta South Africa's Pretoria sales office planted a tree at the Rethabiseng sustainable farm to honour the event. The day marks an incredible six years of support for FTFA by Konica Minolta South Africa, in which it has funded the planting of more than 18,000 trees in some of the most impoverished areas in South Africa.
Ritchi Smith, marketing co-ordinator, said, "The planting of trees is a really important part of Konica Minolta South Africa's efforts to reduce our carbon footprint and it's great to be here to see the positive impact on the community."
Progress of farm
The day also served as a good opportunity for community members and funders alike to witness the progress of another impressive FTFA project, the Rethabiseng Sustainable Farm, which hosted the hand over. Run by a cooperative of six local people, it is a FTFA's Farmer Eco Enterprise Development (FEED) Africa project, which supports emerging organic farmers through land and infrastructure development, training and mentoring support, to take produce to local, super and international markets. In the three years since starting as a bare patch of land, the farm now employs 35 people and grows a large number of vegetables for major markets, with exports going as far as Germany.
"Our projects won't just contribute to providing a better living environment for Rethabiseng residents, through Konica Minolta South Africa's ongoing support we are reaching out to all areas of the community and providing holistic, sustainable development support to grow food, farmers and fortunes," Tinashe Mutoredzanwa, FTFA's Trees for Homes programme manager said.