[Biz Takeouts Lineup] 126: The PRISM Awards, SMEasy software and more...
![[Biz Takeouts Lineup] 126: The PRISM Awards, SMEasy software and more...](https://biz-file.com/c/1504/271608.jpg)
Andy Gilder, Head of Digital for Publicis Machine joins us to talk about the recent launch of Newsdesk, an innovative new service provided by the agency that ensures agency teams; their clients and brands keep up with the relentless pace of social media, enabling them to not only react and respond to potential opportunities or threats, but also catch onto trends as they emerge in the social arena.
Now in its 18th year, the annual PRISM awards (@theprismawards), happening on 19 April 2015 in Johannesburg, honours the public relations industry in SA. The PRISM awards are awarded to communications and public relations professionals who have successfully incorporated creativity, strategy and professionalism into PR. We speak to Bridget von Holdt, Executive Director of Glasshouse Communication Management.
Lastly, we're joined by Yossi Hasson, CEO of SYNAQ, leading provider of cloud-based messaging and communication services for South African business.
- Show host: Warren Harding (@bizWazza)
- Via Skpye: Bridget von Holdt (@bridgetpr) and Darlene Menzies (@darlenemenzies)
- In studio: Andy Gilder (@Andy_Gilder) and Yossi Hasson (@yossihasson)
- Discussion topics:
- We chat to Bridget von Holdt about the upcoming PRISM awards, why the PRISM awards are important, the categories for the awards and how PR has changed over the last decade. Finally, we find out all about the awards ceremony and what PR professionals can expect on the night.
- We speak to Darlene Menzie about small businesses, access to finance and the challenges that small businesses experience. We look at how SMEasy software can help and why big business solutions can't just be "forced" onto small business?
- We talk to Andy Gilder about social media, and how Newsdesk can help spot trends and react to social media opportunities.
- Yossi Hasson talks to us about the importance of cloud-based messaging and the global expansion plans for SYNAQ.
- We chat to Bridget von Holdt about the upcoming PRISM awards, why the PRISM awards are important, the categories for the awards and how PR has changed over the last decade. Finally, we find out all about the awards ceremony and what PR professionals can expect on the night.
How to listen
- Internet radio/streaming audio: 2oceansVibe Radio
- Mobile: iPhone, Blackberry or Android apps
Comments or questions
- Email: moc.ytinummoczib@stuoekatzib
- Twitter: tweet @BizWazza using #biztakeouts
- Facebook: 2oceansVibe Radio
A podcast of the show will be available in the Biz Takeouts special section on Biz later during the week.
![[Biz Takeouts Lineup] 126: The PRISM Awards, SMEasy software and more...](https://biz-file.com/c/1504/271609.png)
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