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Recycling tips for your business

To the modern human, recycling may seem like a fairly new concept with the environmental movement introducing the concept in the 1970s. Recycling has, in fact, been around for thousands of years, with many practising some form of recycling at some stage or another.
Keep a waste inventory
Start by keeping an inventory of the type of materials that your business throws away. As stated by the Environmental Protection Agency, 75% of waste that is thrown away may be recyclable. Keeping a waste inventory will allow you to make calculated decisions in what goes into the recycle bin and what gets thrown away. This will help to save the business money in the future.
Commitment is key
Committing to follow through with your business’s recycling strategy is where it all begins. From the top of the food chain, all the way down, from superiors to management and general staff, getting the business as a whole to not only cooperate but to commit will help in making the recycling process a success.
Did someone say waste paper audit?
Yip, it turns out someone did. Waste paper audits, although time-consuming, can be a great way to gain a clear understanding of which of your wasted paper is eligible for recycling and what needs to be thrown out.
Shred it
Shredding is one of the many ways to recycle effectively and safely. Making use of a reputable company that can facilitate the process of offsite document shredding will only enhance the recycling programme and help to streamline an already stressful process.
Be selective
Be selective about the type of paper that is used in-house. If possible, use paper that is easier to recycle and can be used to make various items after the recycling process.
Provide recycle bins at strategically placed areas
Place recycling bins in strategic places. Perhaps a recycle bin close to the dustbin for those cooldrink cans. Recycle bins can be placed as a reminder to employees to follow the recycling strategy.
Store it
Have you considered storing your essential documents offsite? Companies that offer comprehensive offsite document storage can assist with the recycling process by helping to free up valuable space as well as contribute to productivity by minimising the need for onsite storage maintenance.
There are many ways in which to implement a comprehensive recycling programme strategy, it is, however, the responsibility of the staff to uphold and adhere to processes set in place to facilitate and implement these strategies successfully.