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KickstART offers Stellenbosch learners hope, a future in art
The second annual KickstART programme took place in Stellenbosch on Friday. Ninety Grade 8 and 9 high school learners from communities surrounding the town were given the opportunity to explore art and design as a vehicle of hope for their futures.

The KickstART programme, an educational outreach initiative by the Stellenbosch Outdoor Sculpture Trust (SOST), aims to introduce learners to the world of art and design and the income-generating opportunities that exist within the related industries.
"KickstART creates a platform for learners to engage with the various forms of art and design, hopefully opening up a whole new world for them. The role of art education is often underestimated, undervalued and reserved for the elite," explains KickstART Project Manager Tarien Odendal. "Through KickstART we aim to introduce and develop the critical 21st century skills our vulnerable youth desperately need. This year, we hope to stimulate learners' entrepreneurship, creativity and problem-solving skills."
The programme included an introduction into illustration and a drawing workshop by Rosalind Stockhall and Marike Spangenberg from the Stellenbosch Academy of Design and Photography, an entrepreneurship/vocation workshop by Francois Malherbe from An Unravelling Exploration, and a guided tour of the public outdoor exhibition, Kom Sit, currently on display throughout the Stellenbosch town centre.
A catalyst for bringing people together and effecting social change
"KickstART is about equipping learners with skills and inspiring them to follow their passion," says Michael van Wyk, trustee of the SOST and partner at professional services firm Deloitte, sponsors of KickstART. "In Stellenbosch, where the contrast between the wealthy and disadvantaged is so stark, KickstART acts as a catalyst for bringing people together and effecting social change. There is enormous talent hidden in our communities - I hope that Friday's programme will unearth that talent and encourage learners to take it to the next level."
The workshop by Francois Malherbe aimed to put design into perspective and broaden the world view of the learners. "I teach about entrepreneurship and vocation; the point where your talents and the needs of the world meet. I want to show the learners that their passion can open up career opportunities," says Malherbe.
As part of Deloitte's sponsorship of the KickstART programme, which the firm has supported since inception, up to three Grade 9 learners will be selected to receive bursaries to help them pursue careers in the creative industries.
In 2013, five learners were selected to attend PJ Olivier Art Centre in Stellenbosch (until they matriculate) with full bursaries from KickstART and Deloitte. "It has been exciting being part of KickstART," says Aphiwe Mwezeni, Deloitte KickstART 2013 bursary winner from Kayamandi High School. "I've been exposed to so many new things, and am looking forward to a bright future."
For more information, follow KickstART and Kom Sit Stellenbosch on Facebook and Twitter: kickstart.sost; KomSitStellenbosch; @KickstartHope; @Kom_sit.
#SocialChange #Hopethroughart #KickstART2014