#Loeries2019: 'The world accepts this architectural ability' - Design Grand Prix-winner, David Krynauw

Krynauw created the space with Khanye Architects in classic Cape Dutch heritage style. He lets us in on what the Grand Prix means to him, the meaning behind the design and future projects.
Congratulations on your Grand Prix win! What does this win mean to you?
Thank you so much! I started my business 12 years ago without any formal training in design or architecture. It has been a long-time aspiration to move into the architectural field. In the back of my mind, I have always been working on ideas as to how I can apply timber at this scale.
It was with the development of, what we call, the 'Joburg method' that I realised my aspirations could be met with a tangible execution method. From this, the Kleine Rijke building was born as my business’s first large-scale architectural building project.
Why do you think this campaign was deserving of such a win?
I, in myself, do not deserve anything. It is all through the grace and blessing of our Lord Jesus Christ. The story was honest and true and I think this resonated deeply.
Tell us more about the thinking behind the idea for the campaign.
Jasmyn Pretorius had the Kleine Rijke idea and developed the brand identity a few years before she started working as the marketing manager for my company. She was just waiting for the right time and opportunity to execute it. When our paths crossed, she had recently left the advertising agency world to explore this business idea.
When the time came to do the revamp of an existing barn on the Pretorius family farm (once belonging to Andries Pretorius, a historical figure in Afrikaans history) as a venue for Jasmyn's younger sister's wedding, I jumped on board and the building project started.
The idea came very naturally, the context and history of the land Kleine Rijke is situated on, demanded a heritage approach. This was also incorporated in the brand identity and the ethos of Kleine Rijke, which is dutch for ‘Little Riches’.
The love for our heritage and the rich history inspired us to relook this vernacular and this led to the reinterpretation of a classic Cape Dutch facade. Our campaign captured this essence, love and the craft behind it.
What was your main takeout from Loeries 2019?
We live in interesting, uncertain times and a lot of what I saw points to a changing and shifting landscape. The work as a whole is a good indication of the status of our current culture and mindset.
What stood out for me was the work that innovated, uplifted and inspired.
Comment on the current creative landscape in South Africa and how this compares globally?
We have our DNA. This offers the immense opportunity on the global front.
If we can remain true to this and learn how to express ourselves honestly while producing efficiently, we will have a unique product that will sell.
What's next?
The buildings that we produce are modular, lightweight, efficient and sustainable. They can be erected within a short timeframe and they don't need to follow conventional building regulations as they are classified as movable structures.
This offers a wide range of application. I am currently developing small housing units to cater for the lodge and hospitality industry. I am also considering applications such as classrooms, clinics and even cost-efficient housing, should the economies of scale be reached.
God willing, Kleine Rijke will be an ongoing development as the journey has only just begun. Jasmyn is doing an excellent job in running the space as a multi-purpose events venue.
We have our first birthday food market coming up on 5 October and it will be open to the public. We would also like to include food produce, product design, architectural additions and accommodation shortly.
Stay tuned for Krynauw’s future projects on the David Krynauw website, Instagram and Facebook.