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#LoeriesRankings2017 with... TBWA\Raad
Just when you thought the Loeries buzz was over, the Loeries' rankings are in! I chatted to some of this year's top-ranked creatives post-celebrations. We kick off with the ever-disruptive TBWA\Raad team, based in Dubai in the UAE.
TBWA\Raad not only took home a coveted integrated grand prix and an integrated gold for Nissan's ‘Camelpower’ integrated campaign at this year's Loerie Awards - the top award in what they have dubbed “the mother of all categories”, they also added internet video above 30 seconds silver for Connect’s ‘Last Ice Bucket Challenge’ and a design for digital silver for McDonalds ‘Promoticon’, as well as a brand identity and collateral design - general collateral bronze for Amnesty International’s ‘Skins of Peace’ to their haul. See all their winning work below:
The team at TBWA\Raad also featured strongly in this year’s Loeries rankings, at ninth spot for overall ranking by agency in 2017, second in the ranking by regional agency group table, third in agency ranking for region excluding SA for 2017, seventh in the overall ranking by agency size table for large (100 or more employees), as well as seventh in the communication design table.
Looking to individual credits, CCO Walid Kanaan was also ranked in eighth spot for chief creative officer 2017, with ECD Fouad Abdel Malak ranked in 11th spot for executive creative director and creative director Manuel Borde 10th, while art director Gabriel Gama is in 11th spot, head of art Claudio Campisto ranked ninth and art director Oswald Sa in eighth spot on the agency art director table. Associate creative director Alex Pineda features 12th, with Guilherme Grossi 13th in the writer table and digital art director Clayton Needham ranked ninth in the designer table.
As if that’s not enough, their Grand Prix-winning client Nissan was ranked ninth in the overall ranking by brand table with brand representative Ziad Sunna 12th on the brand representative table.
That’s no small feat. Little wonder, as TBWA\Raad was launched with the battle-cry ‘change the rules’, and been continuously disrupting the conventions of communications across the region ever since.

The TBWA/Raad team with their 2017 Loeries flock.
I spoke to the TBWA\Raad's band of 'disruptive pirates’ to find out how the group feel about all their wins, plans to extend their winning streak next year…
What do you attribute this year’s successes to?
We work hard every year to keep consistency, and this year's results prove that. Even though our position in the 2017 overall ranking dropped by one position, we managed to stay within the best three non-South African agencies and the best 10 overall. This is a big win for us, in a festival that gets more competitive each year!
What plans are already underway to better your ranking next year?
We will continue working hard, giving our clients disruptive work that helps their businesses. This will ultimately lead to us keeping and improving our position in the overall rankings going forward.
How does this year’s Loeries flock differ from your haul last year?
It's been a tough year across the region economically and this was evident in the number of entries we had this year, which were far less than last year. We were forced to painfully select only a few to be entered in specific categories, and leave many others in the drawer.
Imagine the outcome if they’d entered them all… Seems we’re all looking forward to seeing what 2018 holds! Click through to our Loeries’ special section for more, here and here for more on Camelpower, and be sure to follow TBWA\Raad on Twitter and Instagram.

About Leigh Andrews
Leigh Andrews AKA the #MilkshakeQueen, is former Editor-in-Chief: Marketing & Media at Bizcommunity.com, with a passion for issues of inclusion, belonging, and of course, gourmet food and drinks! Now follow her travel adventures on YouTube @MidlifeMeander.