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Loeries Creative Week

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[Loeries 2015] All the TV & Film finalists

With judging complete in these categories, the Loeries' TV & Cinema finalists have been announced...
[Loeries 2015] All the TV & Film finalists

Finalists will be announced each day during Creative Week Durban from 10-13 August.

All winners will be announced at the Awards Ceremonies, 15 - 16 August at the Durban ICC.

All finalists presented here are unaudited results.

TV1A: TV & Cinema Commercials - up to 90s
Aqua / WundermanSalonDSTVDSTV Now App
Aqua / WundermanBoardroomDSTVDSTV Now App
FCB 1886DogCell CBrand
FCB Cape TownBrideMusicaTeenage Dream by Katy Perry
FCB South Africa (PTY) LTDShare a Coke and a Smile - Bobby 2Coca-Cola South AfricaCoca-Cola
FoxP2 CTLoretta RushRediscover DairyDairy
FoxP2 CTThe JourneybrandhouseDrive Dry
Joe PublicThe JerseyNedbankCorporate
King James Group12 NotesSanlamSanlam Brand
King James GroupGeniusSanlamSanlam Investments
King James GroupOne-of-a-kindSantamSantam
King James IIWithout 55 FM5 FM
Lowe and Partners Cape TownFishermenPrudentialPrudential Investment Managers
MetropolitanRepublicMTN SpaceMTN GroupMTN Internet
MOFILMWho Am IDIageoGuinness
Net#work BBDO15 BucksChicken LickenBang Bang Mix
Net#work BBDOThe Great DlaminiChicken LickenHotwings®
Net#work BBDOEp.3: Jafta needs directionsChicken LickenHotwings®
Net#work BBDOEp.6: A night at the Fly-ThruChicken LickenHotwings®
Net#work BBDOEp.5: Jaftha's on social mediaChicken LickenHotwings®
Net#work BBDOEp.1: Noko wants to be a DJChicken LickenHotwings®
Net#work BBDOEp.4: Noko has a homework partnerChicken LickenHotwings®
Net#work BBDOEp.2: Tsala gets a dolphin tattooChicken LickenHotwings®
Ogilvy & Mather Cape TownCorporateVolkswagen South AfricaVolkswagen up!
Ogilvy & Mather Cape TownWomenVolkswagen South AfricaVolkswagen up!
Ogilvy & Mather Cape TownGirlfriend's DadMedia24Careers24
Ogilvy & Mather Cape TownParking LotMedia24Careers24
Ogilvy & Mather Cape TownBusMedia24Careers24
Ogilvy & Mather Cape TownMomentsVolkswagenVolkswagen Safety Systems
Ogilvy & Mather JohannesburgPerformance ArtSuntory LucozadeLucozade
Ogilvy & Mather JohannesburgMother & SonMultiChoice DStvDStv Brand
Ogilvy & Mather JohannesburgFather & SonMultiChoice DStvDStv Brand
Ogilvy & Mather JohannesburgWater FeatureSuntory LucozadeLucozade
Ogilvy & Mather JohannesburgStaticSuntory LucozadeLucozade
Ogilvy & Mather JohannesburgTripletsMondelezCadbury Dairy Milk
Ogilvy & Mather JohannesburgCoupleMultiChoice DStvDStv Brand
Ogilvy & Mather JohannesburgKhuli ChanaKFCKFC Streetwise 3
Ogilvy & Mather Johannesburg#TIAMultiChoiceDStv Africa
Ogilvy & Mather JohannesburgChoirMultiChoice DStvDStv Compact
Quirk JohannesburgBorrowed TimeOrange BabiesOrange Babies
Scanad UgandaA surpriseAirtel UgandaAirtel Money
TBWA\ANGOLAIsto é AngolaCucaBeer
TBWA\Hunt\Lascaris JohannesburgCARMédecins Sans FrontièresAwareness / Donations
TBWA\Hunt\Lascaris JohannesburgPakistanMédecins Sans FrontièresAwareness / Donations
TBWA\Hunt\Lascaris JohannesburgSmallTiger BrandsAlbany Bread
Y&R SAEagleJaguar Land Rover South AfricaGenuine Parts
Y&R SACrocodileJaguar Land Rover South AfricaGenuine Parts
Y&R SALionJaguar Land Rover South AfricaGenuine Parts
TV1B: TV & Cinema Commercials - above 90s
BBDO Africa, Abbott Mead Vickers BBDOMade Of BlackDiageoGuinness
FoxP2 CTProject PhoenixDesign IndabaCreativity For Good
Joe PublicReinsNedbankBusiness Banking
Joe Public UnitedThe NotebookDialdirectDialdirect Insurance
TV1C: Internet Commercials - up to 30s
FCB Cape TownSaber CatsSafari LinkSafari Link
Net#work BBDO1974Chicken LickenBang Bang Mix
Net#work BBDOGoldfishChicken LickenBang Bang Mix
Net#work BBDOPocket MoneyChicken LickenBang Bang Mix
Net#work BBDOReverseChicken LickenBang Bang Mix
Net#work BBDOCavemanChicken LickenBang Bang Mix
Ogilvy & Mather Cape TownSpaceVolkswagen South AfricaPolo Vivo Range
TV1D: Internet Video - above 30s
Arcade ContentA New BeliefNikeNike
cancer dojoCancer Dojo Chalk WallCancer DojoCancer Dojo app fund
FCB South Africa (PTY) LTDHair CareTiger Brands (PTY) LtdGill Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
FCB South Africa (PTY) LTDFancy RestaurantsTiger Brands (PTY) LtdGill Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
FCB South Africa (PTY) LTDTweetingTiger Brands (PTY) LtdGill Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
FCB South Africa (PTY) LTDLoad SheddingTiger Brands (PTY) LtdGill Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
FCB South Africa (PTY) LTDSoccerTiger Brands (PTY) LtdGill Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
Gloo@Ogilvy#MINITOSPACEMINI South AfricaCar
IMPACT BBDO DubaiGive Mom Back Her NameUN WomenUN Women
Ireland/DavenportThe Unskippable Skip AdEdgarsIntimate Wear
Lowe and Partners Cape TownGet me to 21Organ Donor FoundationOrgan Donor Foundation
Lowe and Partners Cape TownFishermenPrudentialPrudential Investment Managers
MacDuff Films and TheyThe Pegasus ProjectMacDuffMacDuff
MetropolitanRepublicBlue Lights BrigadeNando'sVOP
MOFILMGuess Who's Coming to Diner?UnileverAromat
Mr. AlexanderBroken MonstersRandom House Struik South AfricaLauren Beukes
Shy the SunAmumu: The Curse of the Sad MummyRiot! GamesLeague of Legends
TBWA\Hunt\Lascaris JohannesburgPakistanMédecins Sans FrontièresAwareness / Donations
Thackwell & WhittakerSurprise VisitCricket South AfricaProtea Fire
TV1E: TV Trailers & Content Promos
Black River FCStarshipVuzu AmpVuzu Amp
FoxP2 CTProject PhoenixDesign IndabaCreativity For Good
Ogilvy & Mather JohannesburgAnger ManagementViacom Comedy CentralComedy Central - Anger Management
Studio ZooBBC Sex SeasonBBCSex Season
TV1F: Other Screens
Hero Strategic MarketingGet on the road to greatness.Old MutualOld Mutual Brand
TV1G: Branded Content Video - Single Execution
IMPACT BBDO DubaiBlack Cats On HolidayLoto LibanaisLoto Libanais
King James GroupOne Rand Man | The DocumentarySanlamSanlam Brand
King James GroupThe Gentleman's Wager | The RaceBrandhouse BeveragesJohnnie Walker
M&C Saatchi AbelWish Listtakealot.comOnline Shopping
M&C Saatchi AbelBakkiestakealot.comOnline Shopping
M&C Saatchi AbelChristmas tree, oh Christmas treetakealot.comOnline Shopping
M&C Saatchi AbelSpit Braaitakealot.comOnline Shopping
Network#BBDO15 Bucks AnalystChicken LickenBang Bang Mix
Thackwell & WhittakerLoloAbsa & BarclaysIsibindi Initiative
Thackwell & WhittakerPeople of The DewAbsa & BarclaysTechnoServe
Thackwell & WhittakerSurprise VisitCricket South AfricaProtea Fire
TV1H: Branded Content Video - Campaign
Carat SA, Isobar, BBDO Africa, Abbott Mead Vickers BBDOMade Of BlackDiageoAlcoholic Beverage
King James GroupOne Rand ManSanlamSanlam Brand
King James GroupThe Gentleman's Wager | The RaceBrandhouse BeveragesJohnnie Walker
King James GroupIdolsSanlamSanlam
King James IIThis Is WitsWits UniversityWits University
M&C Saatchi AbelOpen Your City: Open JoziBrandhouseHeineken®
M&C Saatchi AbelSuzelle does Christmastakealot.comOnline Shopping
Thackwell & WhittakerTour DiariesCricket South AfricaProtea Fire
The African AttachmentSalomon Running TVSalomon GlobalOutdoor Lifestyle
TV1J: Music Videos
Arcade ContentNice ShandeesSibot featuring OkmalumekoolkatSibot featuring Okmalumekoolkat
Arcade Content9 ShotsKhuli ChanaKhuli Chana
New Monday2amThee more shallows2am
Run Jump Fly CreationsDecember Streets - ADDYDecember StreetsDecember Streets
TV2A: TV Crafts - Direction
0307Santam "One of a Kind"SantamInsurance
0307DSTV "Mother & Child"DSTVEntertainment
0307DSTV "Couple"DSTVEntertainment
0307Nando's "Blue Light"NandosNandos
0307Prudential FishermanPrudentialInvestment Financing
BBDO Africa, Abbott Mead Vickers BBDOMade Of BlackDiaegoGuinness
BouffantHappy InsideIkeaIkea
Egg FilmsLive Loud5FM5FM
Egg FilmsThe Great DlaminiChicken LickenChicken Licken
FCB 1886DogCell CBrand
Fresh Eye Film ProductionsBorrowed TimeOrange BabiesNGO
Giant FilmsGeniusSanlamSanlam Investments
Giant Films & FoxP2 CTProject PhoenixDesign IndabaCreativity For Good
Joe PublicReinsNedbankBusiness Banking
MacDuff Films and TheyRun JoseMacDuffMacDuff
MOFILMWho Am IDiageoGuinness
Net#work BBDOLite The WayEast African BreweriesTusker
Ogilvy & Mather JohannesburgGum in HairSuntory LucozadeLucozade
Plank & FoxP2 CTLoretta RushRediscover DairyDairy
Velocity FilmsShare A Coke and a Smile - Bobby 2Coca ColaCoca Cola
Velocity FilmsBang Bang MixChicken LickenChicken Licken
Velocity FilmsThe NotebookDialdirectDialdirect
TV2B: TV Crafts - Cinematography
0307DSTV "Couple"DSTVEntertainment
0307Prudential FishermanPrudentialInvestment Financing
0307Santam "One of a Kind"SantamInsurance
Arcade ContentA New BeliefNikeNike
BBDO Africa, Abbott Mead Vickers BBDOMade Of BlackDiageoGuinness
Egg FilmsThe Great DlaminiChicken LickenChicken Licken
Giant FilmsGeniusSanlamSanlam Investments
Giant Films & FoxP2 CTProject PhoenixDesign IndabaCreativity For Good
Joe PublicReinsNedbankBusiness Banking
MOFILMWho Am IDiageoGuinness
Velocity FilmsThe NotebookDialdirectDialdirect
TV2C: TV Crafts - Writing
King James GroupOne-of-a-kindSantamSantam
King James GroupGeniusSanlamSanlam Investments
MOFILMWho Am IDiageoGuinness
Net#work BBDOThe Great DlaminiChicken LickenHotwings®
Net#work BBDO15 BucksChicken LickenBang Bang Mix
Ogilvy & Mather JohannesburgWater FeatureSuntory LucozadeLucozade
Ogilvy & Mather JohannesburgStaticSuntory LucozadeLucozade
Ogilvy & Mather JohannesburgGum in HairSuntory LucozadeLucozade
Ogilvy & Mather JohannesburgPerformance ArtSuntory LucozadeLucozade
TBWA\ANGOLAIsto é AngolaCucaBeer
TV2D: TV Crafts - Production Design
BBDO Africa, Abbott Mead Vickers BBDOMade Of BlackDiageoGuinness
Egg FilmsThe Great DlaminiChicken LickenChicken Licken
King James IIWithout 55 FM5 FM
Lowe and Partners Cape TownFishermenPrudentialPrudential Investment Managers
The Bomb shelterTIADSTVBrand
TV2E: TV Crafts - Animation
BlackGingerDiscovery Life: PenguinsDiscovery LifeDiscovery Insure
New Monday2amThee more shallows2am
Ogilvy & Mather JohannesburgTripletsMondelezCadbury Dairy Milk
Shy the SunAmumu: The Curse of the Sad MummyRiot! GamesLeague of Legends
TV2F: TV Crafts - Special Visual Effects
BlackGingerA Moment In TimeStandard BankGroup Reputation
BlackGingerMazda 2015 Brand TVCMazdaMazda 3
Spitfire FilmsBMW I8BMWI8
TV2G: TV Crafts - Editing
BBDO Africa, Abbott Mead Vickers BBDOMade Of BlackDiageoGuinness
Giant Films & DeliveranceGeniusSanlamSanlam Investments
Joe PublicReinsNedbankBusiness Banking
King James GroupOne-of-a-kindSantamSantam
King James IIWithout 55 FM5 FM
Net#work BBDOThe Great DlaminiChicken LickenHotwings®
Ogilvy & Mather Cape TownMomentsVolkswagenVolkswagen Safety Systems
The Bomb shelterTIADSTVBrand
Upstairs Post ProductionSpaceMTNBrand
Upstairs Post ProductionThe FishermanPrudentialBrand
Velocity FilmsShare A Coke and a Smile - Bobby 2Coca ColaCoca Cola
TV2H: TV Crafts - Original Music & Sound Design
0307DSTV "Couple"DSTVEntertainment
Freq'ncy AudioSanlam Investments Rumble in the JungleSanlam InvestmentsSanlam Investments
King James GroupGeniusSanlamSanlam Investments
King James IIWithout 55 FM5 FM
Lowe and Partners Cape TownFishermenPrudentialPrudential Investment Managers
MetropolitanRepublicMTN SpaceMTN GroupMTN Internet
Net#work BBDOLite The WayEast African BreweriesTusker
Ogilvy & Mather Cape TownScirocco Sonic HighwayVolkswagenScirocco
Ogilvy & Mather JohannesburgMother & SonMultiChoice DStvDStv Brand
Produce SoundGuitar Solo in the key of 86ToyotaToyota 86
Velocity FilmsI'm SorryCadburyCadbury PS
Y&R SALionJaguar Land Rover South AfricaGenuine Parts
TV2J: TV Crafts - Best Use of Licensed Music
BBDO Africa, Abbott Mead Vickers BBDOMade Of BlackDiageoGuinness
Joe PublicReinsNedbankBusiness Banking
King James IIWithout 55 FM5 FM
Net#work BBDOThe Great DlaminiChicken LickenHotwings®
Ogilvy & Mather JohannesburgTripletsMondelezCadbury Dairy Milk
Velocity FilmsThe NotebookDialdirectDialdirect
TV2K: TV Crafts - Performance
0307DSTV "Couple"DSTVEntertainment
0307Santam "One of a Kind"SantamInsurance
Egg FilmsBusCareers 24Careers 24
King James GroupGeniusSanlamSanlam Investments
Lowe and Partners Cape TownFishermenPrudentialPrudential Investment Managers
M&C Saatchi AbelSuzelle does Christmastakealot.comOnline Shopping
MetropolitanRepublicMTN SpaceMTN GroupMTN Internet
Net#work BBDOThe Great DlaminiChicken LickenHotwings®

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