[Loeries 2015] Agency expectations with... BBDO

1. What are your official job titles and how long have you been at the agency, respectively?
Olding: Alexis Beckett, Johann Schwella and I are Creative Directors at 140BBDO. I've been here for just under a year, while Alexis [Beckett], you've been here for...
Beckett: Like seven years or so.
Schwella: ...and I've been working here for 5 years.
Reilly: ECD for Net#work BBDO - I was with the agency for 11 years, then went walkabout and returned recently.
2. How long has your agency been attending the Loeries?
Beckett: For as long we can remember.
Schwella: BBDO has always been one of the stalwarts at the Loeries. We've been entering right from the start and have a proud record that stretches over many years.
Reilly: Forever. We'll be 21 this year, so that long.
3. What's your biggest Loeries highlight of years past?
Schwella: Every year has different things, from the parties to the seminars. My two personal favourite memories were winning my first gold - there's no feeling like going up on stage - and being invited to judge for the first time.
Reilly: David Hasselhoff, but followed closely by us winning the first digital integrated Grand Prix for 5fm. That was fun.
Olding: Of course, winning Loeries of various sizes and colours is always a highlight but right now I'd say the Loeries moving from Cape Town to Durban is a highlight for me. Durbs. By the sea. Lekker.
Beckett: I'd be lying if I didn't say winning, but it's a great time to bond with your agency and industry mates.
4. What are you most looking forward to from Loeries Creative Week 2015, set to hit Durban in August?
Reilly: The bunny chow, the sunny days and, as usual, the work, the work, the work.
Beckett: Cape Town was cool, but in some ways it's almost too big for Loeries. We naturally tend to find our own comfort zones, but a smaller venue will force us to mix it up a bit more. I look forward to a Loeries on neutral turf again.
Schwella: I'd have to say the location itself. Cape Town was a great few years, but I think most people are looking forward to an away weekend again. Also having it in a city with few agency offices, means that you'll end up having tons of people staying in the same hotels. Great for "networking" (aka parties). Contrary to popular outside belief, we work pretty hard during the year and it's great having a week where you can reflect and admire the best work of the year.
Olding: A new setting, a new energy, hopefully a closer-knit industry gathering. Cape Town was rad but it tended to lead to pockets of industry people hanging in isolation.
5. Tell us some of your own agency work you're entering this year!
Schwella: We should be entering quite a few things this year, but I'd rather not highlight any of them specifically lest I jinx it! As the saying goes, never celebrate a finalist.
Olding: I think this year we've got a bunch of things that take a very different tack to the stuff that many of us are used to producing, and that's quite exciting.
Reilly: Chicken Licken '15 bucks' integrated, Tusker Lite 'Lite the Way', Guinness 'Made of Black', a ton of other interesting Chicken Licken stuff.
6. Who do you predict will win big this year, and why?
Reilly: Apart from our own work, which of course will clean up, I predict that Sanlam '1 Rand Man' will get a few nods simply because it's an interesting 21st century idea that was well executed...and it has pretty well packaged entry video ?
Olding: This question is right up there with "What is our purpose on this planet?" I think there's one or two pieces I've seen which look like clear contenders. But honestly, I really hope that this year we see a lot more integrated pieces showing off South Africa's strength in ideas again.
Beckett: I honestly have no clue. As much as I want to see big, integrated ideas, I also look forward to seeing something that doesn't require a case study video to get it.
Schwella: I generally like the more obscurely interesting things, Social Feed by Hello Computer for Peninsula School Feeding Assoc. is a fantastic idea and takes a completely different look at social media and should do well. In the more traditional space, the Chicken Licken Bang Bang spots are fantastically simple - as well as quite "simpel".
Lots to look forward to, it seems. For more on what to expect from this year's Loeries' Creative Week, visit the official Loeries website or our special Loeries Creative Week section.