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Controversy at BRC Rams presentation as results are questioned by Magic 828AM

When the presentation revealed the figures for the commercial station Magic 828AM, the CEO of the station Tony Sanderson, questioned the methodology used to measure listenership in the Western Cape region.
He disputed the BRC figures based on results carried out by independent survey company FGI, who conducted research in the Magic 828AM listenership area and which revealed the station has 341,532 listeners. He suggested the BRC’s methodology is flawed, due to the fact that they use a macro perspective to their surveys instead of micro, to actually achieve a regional response instead of a national one.
Error could lead to job losses
Sanderson explained that if there is an error in their computations, the effect on stations and advertising would be disastrous and could lead to job losses in the industry, due to loss of advertising income. The BRC results are the primary figures highlighted on Telmar, the system used by advertising agencies to allocate advertising for clients.
He furthermore queried how a new Cape community station with a 1 kilowatt transmitter (restricting broadcast footprint to a several kilometres) managed to appear on the results (where the profile criteria is above 40,000 listeners) and Magic 828AM did not, with a 25 kilowatt transmitter and a broadcast footprint of the entire Western Cape.
The BRC presenters had no answer to these queries and maintained their figures were correct. At this point most of Magic 828AM contingent staged a walk-out in protest. A colleague remained behind and recorded the balance of the proceedings.
Antifeminism, racism and bullying were cited. Advertising agencies at the presentation also queried the methodology and the points raised by Sanderson as a concern to the industry as a whole.
This is not the first time Sanderson has taken issue with the BRC’s findings in the past via his sales manager, Michael Garzouzie. In an effort to obtain a clearer understanding and transparency a meeting was arranged to discuss the matter. It transpired that the BRC representative was sick at the time and could not make the meeting. Sanderson says no notice or apology was ever received, however Magic 828AM is in possession of an email declining the interview, received on the day of the appointment.
No right of appeal
The BRC stated that Magic 828AM are not contributors financially to the BRC, so therefore have no right of appeal. Sanderson says it was clearly spelt out that only contributors have access to BRC figures. "Therefore, a monopoly of broadcasters exists that have no interest in promoting or bolstering new competition."
His final comment at the BRC presentation was; “After two years of broadcasting and with a foot print covering the whole of the Western Cape plus over 50,000 streaming listeners and numerous other private surveys conducted, it is impossible for such low figures to be given to Magic 828AM by the BRC. It is extremely unhelpful to advertising agencies that need true figures”.
Sansderson says since the BRC Cape presentation Magic 828AM has received calls from agencies and representatives from other radio stations requesting the setting up of an action committee, as such Sanderson intends to call a Western Cape meeting for all interested parties.
"The advent of Maps to replace BRC is welcomed. The BRC cannot possibly serve purpose to the manufactures or agencies that do their planning for on-air exposure. In other words 'Same old, same old',” says Sanderson.
Sanderson said it is not his interest to bring the industry into disrepute but to highlight faults and dishonesty brought about by the false accusations and presentations from the BRC. He totally refutes any and all accusations of racism, antifeminism and bullying.
Magic 828AM figures of 341 532
Researched by FGI – Louise Belter 082 906 5595
For more information, contact Tony Sanderson on 021 001 4828 and leave any thoughts you might have in the comment section below.
Update: The BRC has been contacted for right of reply and we will publish their response in full.
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