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FEDHASA Cape supports youth role in hospitality industry

Pieters said: "The primary objective of FEDHASA Cape Youth is to identify up-and-coming leaders and provide them with the opportunity not only to shape their careers, but the industry itself. A seat on the board of FEDHASA Cape allows young people to be actively involved in an organisation viewed by government as the official industry representative."
Pieters explained that a key focus of the segment is to promote a career in hospitality and, thus, the event highlighted opportunities available to youths working towards this. "The industry has grown in the last few years and where entry into the industry via a registered qualification was an expensive option 10 years ago, this is no longer the case," explained Pieters.
"Most tertiary institutions offer bursaries to students who struggle financially and FEDHASA Cape is instrumental in providing financial support to these institutions. The government has also become increasingly involved in the growth of the industry, allowing previously disadvantaged youths to obtain a qualification and work experience through CATHSSETA. Opportunities for entry are now almost limitless."
Sometimes perceived as thankless work
However, the hospitality industry still faces its challenges in terms of attracting youths, as a career in hospitality is sometimes perceived as thankless work; long hours and low wages. Pieters believes that this is changing.
"There is a great progression in terms of how the industry is viewed and this is reflected by the increasing number of young people choosing to pursue a career in hospitality. Much has changed since the days of the old guard - I actually met a hotel receptionist the other day who had worked there for three years and had never experienced what it was like to work a 'double'," laughed Pieters.
"That brief conversation revealed just how far we have come; it is no longer the low-paying, overworked industry it once was. Hospitality offers opportunity for growth at a much faster pace than most industries, as well as the ability to earn a decent income whilst travelling and working.
"We need to enlist the support of more businesses, schools and youth organisations to become involved in promoting the industry for what it is today - and not as the default choice for a school leaver who can't decide what he would like to do with his life. Working in hospitality is an exciting, lucrative and rewarding career path," concluded Pieters.